Podcast SEO Secrets: 11 Ways to Make Your Show More Discoverable

Yes, there are 2.4 million active podcasts out there. Yes, your neighbor’s cat probably has a weekly show about hairball prevention. But here’s the thing: most podcasts fade away before their tenth episode, and even fewer understand how to be found by their ideal listeners.

Your podcast about traditional bookbinding techniques or urban beekeeping disasters might be exactly what someone’s been searching for—they just don’t know it exists yet. So, whether you’re working from your garage in Northumberland, a private office in Melbourne, or a sleek podcasting studio in LA, you can drastically improve your chances of success if you take the steps most novice podcasters miss. And conveniently, we’ve got all 11 of those steps covered below:

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11 Tips for a Moving Company to Earn More Customers

Roughly 35.5 million Americans move houses yearly. This is quite a high number, hence the need to invest in ways to get more customers by increasing visibility. Here are some of the critical areas you can look into to help your moving business grow.



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4 Essential Marketing Tips for Home Improvement Contractors

Marketing your home improvement business is one of the most important parts of managing your business. Marketing is how you grow your business and produce new leads; it is also how you keep your old clients. There are a few essential marketing tips that you can apply to your home improvement business to get results.

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What Social Media Platforms Should Your Floral Business Utilize?

Utilizing social media is a must for any entrepreneur. Around 90% of all consumers use social media to interact with all kinds of businesses. If you’re running a flower business, using social media will help you get in front of your target customers. The top social media platforms for your particular business are detailed below.

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5 Budget Tactics to Win Social Media Game for Your Startup

Social media marketing is an integral element of business branding because it delivers more with less. You can reach a broader user base with less effort and expense. However, the cost of social media campaigns may sound daunting for startups running on tight budgets. Besides resource constraints, time limitations can stress you out because you expect quick results to build a presence and gain credibility for your new business. Fortunately, you can achieve these goals without breaking the bank. Let us share a few actionable budget tactics to win the social media game for your startup.

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Best Strategies to Follow to Enhance Your Company’s Digital Marketing

Many entrepreneurs in the contemporary world have understood the advantages of marketing their companies and products. However, this phenomenon isn’t as easy as it sounds, considering many business people have lost substantial time and money dealing with eCommerce marketing. The subject is complicated for beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. The information below will guide you on the best tips to follow to have successful digital marketing campaigns and gain the highest return on investment from them.

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How To Repair Your Online Reputation

If you find that your online reputation is not as favorable as you want, you don’t have to panic. There are ways to repair your online reputation that may take time but can eventually cut down on the number of negative search results people see when they use search engines. If you want to do this, there are some tips you need to implement. Here are some ways you can repair your online reputation.

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How to Create a Killer Social Media Optimization Strategy

You have likely heard the term “social media optimization.” You may even know that a social media optimization strategy is important for businesses to thrive in this digital world. But do you know what it really means?

Social media optimization, commonly known as SMO, is a way for you to help your business stand out in the digital world. It encourages companies to adopt best digital practices and helps them adjust by being able to analyze and audit what’s working and what’s not working. It makes you prioritize tweaking your posts to perfect them to maximize their reach and effectiveness. The better your social media optimization strategy is, the more visibility you will have, which gives you greater engagements, such as traffic to your site.

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4 Ways to Increase Google Reviews on Your Website

It is common knowledge that customers’ statements about a company affect the business more than what the owner says about it. And this is irrespective of how big your business is, how genuine your messages are and how excellent your services are.

So, since this is important to potential customers, Google factors these reviews (quality and quantity) in its local ranking algorithm. So, since Google reviews affect your business’s ability to get new customers through rank and reputation, let’s find out how you can increase your site’s Google reviews.

Let’s get started!

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How to Achieve a Working Ecommerce Platform

When it comes to online businesses, eCommerce platforms are the lifeblood. If your eCommerce platform isn’t working, then you’re losing money and customers. This blog post will discuss how to achieve a successful and working eCommerce platform. It will cover everything from setting up your website to choosing the right eCommerce platform for your business.

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