How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a costly problem, with businesses losing billions of dollars every year to bogus transactions both online and in-person. Not only does credit card fraud lead to lost merchandise but also to lost time — and major headaches — spent straightening everything out.

Although banks and credit card issuers are constantly working to fight fraud, often adding features and security protections to cards to protect both customers and businesses, merchants still have a responsibility and the power to stop fraud before it happens. Criminals are becoming more sophisticated all the time, but there are still a few telltale signs that should trigger a closer look at certain transactions.

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How to Use Available Resources to Protect Your Vital Business Data

The most valuable items that thieves can take from a business are data points. Sensitive information regarding account numbers and purchase histories can generate lucrative revenue for hackers. Your business needs to be on top of these vulnerabilities by using today’s resources. Learn the best ways to protect your data so that hackers look for other targets.

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Install Security System

If you’re serious about running a business, you must treat it accordingly. Even if you already have a security system installed, if it cannot compare to the latest standards and demands, you might want to think about making an upgrade. The following 5 reasons should serve as a strong motivation to do something about it:

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Passive vs. Active Monitor: Which Security System is Right for Your Business

An intrusion monitoring system is designed to assist your business in monitoring and detecting any forms of vulnerabilities, threats, and intrusion against a specific application. A monitoring system is a crucial aspect of protecting your business from theft and ensuring your asset remain safe. The last thing you want is to lose your assets due to insecurity or the use of wrong security apparatus. It’s imperative to work with a security system that will meet your business needs in the best possible way.

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Should You Install IP Security Cameras in Your Business Premise?

Are you thinking about installing IP security cameras in your house or company? Is it a good idea? Here are the pros and cons of these video surveillance systems. These systems are gaining followers because of their ease to adapt to facilities where there is a data network that can be used.

Do not forget that IP security cameras are characterised by being an IoT (internet of things) devices and without an internet connection their operation would not be appropriate. It is, in short, a very comfortable technology for the user and with certain advantages when it comes to being installed, but we must bear in mind the drawbacks of such internet-connected devices

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4 Reasons Smart Homes Are Popular Today

Today, more and more people are either purchasing smart homes or converting their current home into a smart one. Some homeowners love the convenience of being able to control their heating and air conditioning system from a remote location. Others appreciate the ability to control the lighting in and around their home while they are away. Checkout four of the major reasons why smart homes, made possible by an iot company, are so popular with today’s homeowners.

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6 Simple Tactics to Secure Your Business from Intruders

Securing a business should be a top responsibility for all entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, due to the high number of tasks that business owners need to complete, they don’t have enough time to think about this aspect. Each business has a lot of records, marketing data, legal documents and even cash that should never be made public. Therefore, one has to consider the most effective ways of securing all the personal data that their company operates with. Besides that, business owners might need to take into account securing their premises, as well. It’s much better to be “safe rather than sorry” in this case.

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How to Improve Business Productivity and Security with Data Transfer

Data doesn’t sit on the sidelines; for many companies, it’s essential to most of our activities and collaboration efforts. Therefore, we need to protect it while ensuring quick access to it. Is this even possible without advanced programming skills? Yes, and here are a few of the biggest business benefits of switching to secure managed file transfer software.

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5 Tips to Quickly Replace Lost or Missing Documents

It’s always a hassle when you lose or misplace documents. There’s not only the effort that you need to take to replace them, but you also need to be fast in acting as you might be at risk for identity theft, which is even more inconvenient than just some lost documents.

If you want to speed up the process, follow the tips below so that you can avoid waiting for months to get your documents replaced.

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How to Protect Your Business with Surveillance Technology

With crime on the rise, businesses are seeing more attacks that are having a great impact on the way that they operate. However, this can be prevented through the use of technology. As well as demonstrating compliance through duty of care and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), not to mention taking necessary steps to protect your brand’s reputation, you should be looking to make security a top priority at your business. We’ve teamed up with 2020 Vision, providers of access control systems, which has created a guide on how you can protect your business:

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