5 Essential Tips to Improve Credit Score for Small Business Owners

5 essential tips to imrpove credit score for small business owners
Taking control of your personal finances is a must if you want to save more, invest, buy a new vehicle or home, take a vacation, or simply improve your budgeting and cut expenses. Grabbing hold of your finances firmly is also an excellent way to improve your credit, which is often a topic of concern for many people. The sad truth is that it doesn’t take much to damage your credit – a couple of delinquent payments and a few credit card applications can send your credit score plummeting. It doesn’t take long to see your credit score drop to the 700s or even the 600s, but it can be awfully hard to get it back up into the 700s. So what can you to improve your finances, and in turn your credit score. Here are five essential tips.

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How Far can a Million Take You Today?

How far can a million take you today
A million pounds earned today is not the same as what it used to be a decade ago. The definition of “rich” is constantly changing. In the mid 1990s you could be considered “rich” if you had million pounds. Today, you are not “rich” with million pounds of total worth. You are just “well-off.” You might be able to retire comfortably, but you will not be able to send your kids to college, and you will still have to make plans for your long-term healthcare needs, depending on where you live.

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