Key Attributes Business Graduate Bring to Small Businesses

Over the past few decades, business graduates have been taking the world of small business by storm. There are more companies that are willing to hire professionals who have an online MBA degree and smaller businesses account for the largest increase of companies that are looking for professionals who have specialized business degrees.

When these professionals were in graduate school, they learned the importance of applying the concepts of business that they were taught in the real world. So, employers are gravitating towards applicants who have demonstrated that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to help a company flourish.

So, what are the other attributes that make online MBA graduates more attractive to prospective employers?

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Tips for Pursuing a Career in Healthcare Industry

A career in health can be hugely rewarding. Being able to help out in some way is immense. The career can range from managing healthcare professionals to being one yourself. If you are the type of person who takes pleasure in helping people then this is surely the job for you. Nothing helps a person more than facilitating their recovery or ensuring their health is at a level they are happy with. There are dozens of career paths for you, yet there are certain things you need to bear in mind before going ahead and plunging in head first.

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Top 3 Areas You Need to Invest in to Grow Your Business

The age-old question in business is should you split the profits after a job well done, or should you reinvest that money, strengthening the business? Although it’s always tempting to give yourself a nice big bonus at the end of the month, it could be to the detriment of your company in the long run. If you have a long-term business plan in place, these are the top three areas you should look to reinvest that hard-earned cash.

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The Right Way, and The Wrong Way, to Motivate Employees

Businesses that fail to move forward ultimately fail. Without progress, productivity, and power packed into every workday, no matter what else a company has going for it, success will prove elusive. The best way to ensure a sustained momentum in your organization is to motivate your employees to press harder toward excellence.

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How to Turn Around a Failing Team

Your employees will make or break your business – it’s that simple. So, whether you are just starting out in business or have been letting things slip a little if your team isn’t doing its job, there is a serious problem. As a leader and owner, it’s going to be down to you to turn things around. Here are a few things you must consider if you want to get back on track.

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6 Tips to Redesign Office Workspace for Employee Well Being

Every year, we learn more about the dangers of sedentary work routines. People in offices, for instance, are significantly more likely to take time off with back problems than those who spend the day on their feet. This is contrary to what most of us assume.

After all, wouldn’t standing up all day indeed put a heavier strain on the body? Well, in reality, the spine is aligned when standing, and there is less pressure on the lower back. It is when sitting at a desk that we noticeably slouch, slump, and curve our spines to fit mismatched furniture.

The good news is that business owners can introduce small changes which have an enormous impact on employee health, mood, and well-being. Keep reading to find out more.

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Effective Ways to Maximize Your Accounting Resources

Accounting is an essential part of any business. But rather than thinking of it as an asset, resource, or strategic opportunity, many businesses treat the accounting department as a necessary but otherwise irrelevant team of number crunchers.

However common that attitude may be, it is both incorrect and an ineffective way to lead. Accounting may be a dry subject, but it is not a static subject. The resources of the accounting department can be directed towards a lot of rote and routine tasks, or they can be focused on engineering growth and developing strategy.

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7 Actions You Must Take to Stand Out in Your Chosen Career

You’ve put in your resume, done the rounds of interviews, and finally secured your dream job. Getting hired is only the first part of your career journey. In order to make it to the top, you need to create a good impression and set yourself apart from your colleagues. Here are 7 effective ways to stand out in your chosen career.

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3 Ways to Look Professional without a Suit

In a corporate environment, appearance matters a lot. This is especially true when dealing with high-profile clients. Employees in the roles of sales representatives, account managers, and coordinators face big-time clients almost every day. That is why you would want them to look their best to impress the people they meet at all times. You want potential customers to see your brand in a positive light to make them want to do business with you. You might even want them to wear branded lanyards with your company name for a polished and uniform look.

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Safe Workplace: Smart Strategies to Protect Your Eyes on the Job

Workplace health and safety always needs to be a current topic of conversation if you are going to keep up to date with safety legislation and develop a smart strategy for protecting the workforce.

Some of the most commonly reported incidents in the workplace are eye injuries and when you consider how vital your vision is, doing what you can to stay safe should be a priority.

Here are some tips and insights on eye safety. There is an overview of the potential hazards plus a look at what you should do if you wear contact lenses, and details of which type of protection is suited to the work you are doing.

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