Don’t Let Your Business Struggle When an Employee Takes Time Off

It can leave you worrying about your company when a vital member of staff needs to take a significant amount of time off work. Whether it’s for maternity leave, or they have come down with a serious illness, it can leave you panicking how your company will cover the time off. After all, everyone plays a major role in your small company. However, it doesn’t have to be a disaster for your business. Here are some ways you can ensure your business doesn’t struggle when an employee takes time off.

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7 Ways to Increase Employee Morale

The need to maintain a high level of employee morale may sound like some vague or abstract idea but it actually isn’t. It’s as important as providing the right equipment or tools to employees. It’s as necessary as providing the right amount salaries, compensation, and benefits. There are many ways to help boost employee morale. Some of the most effective methods are as follows:

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Advanced Time Tracking For Today’s Business Needs

There are quite a few stand-alone versions of time tracking software that work well for companies and organizations that prefer to work ala carte with employee check-in and check-out systems.

At the same time, if you are looking for a vendor or a software package that can do more, you will find that a few vendors stand head and shoulders above the rest of the market when it comes to creating sophisticated integration with the latest ERP and CRM software.

Of course, part of the reason that there is integration of time tracking for Microsoft Dynamics and other ERP packages is that although sophisticated packages are becoming inexpensive enough for even small companies to implement, most packages do not have full-fledged time tracking software feature sets.

Here are some features to look for in a time tracking software that can integrate with advanced systems:

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Are You Likely to be Hired Based on Your Accent?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to dispute it, regional accents come hand in hand with an attitude towards them. For better or worse, the UK has different attitudes to its regional accents. But the question is: do these attitudes affect how employable you are? The simple answer is yes. However, industrial cleaning company DCS Multiserve has provided us with this research to uncover how attitudes differ on different regional accents.

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6 Golden Rules for the Success of BYOD Programs

Because of the convenience and the potential increase in productivity, bring your own device policies are ideal for staff and management alike. As an employer, you want to make things easy for the people who work for you, but you also want to get the best work out of them. Sometimes, giving them freedom is the key, but if you choose to let them bring their own mobile devices to work, you still need to institute a few BYOD commandments.

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5 Ways to Keep Top Performing Employees Challenged and Motivated

The corporate world is a highly competitive and complex environment, with carefully developed rhythms. In every company there are different types of employees, and they all have their own set of skills and qualifications. But in every company there are those who distinguish themselves, who, through their work ethics and outstanding performances are an inspiration to everyone around them. They are the extraordinary workers and the top performers that understand the purpose of their work, those determined to always create something remarkable, using all their capabilities.

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4 Ways to Build Stronger Workplace Relationships

Workplace relationships play an important role in almost everything that happens in a company. Strong relationships between employers and the employees allow for a more cohesive teamwork, faster and more effective production, and a more positive workplace culture that helps reduce problems such as stress and job burnout. Moreover, it can even help employers cut down on human resources costs through better employee retention.

However, you can’t just expect each one of your employees to have no trouble forming strong bonds with their colleagues and building an affinity with the company and its management. You need to take the right approach if you want to nurture stronger workplace relationships. Hopefully, these tips can help set you on the right track.

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Insights into UK salaries

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According to HR news, salaries across the UK saw a rise in December last year – this information came as a surprise as that month is generally a quiet month for pay rises and recruitment.

DCS Multiserve, provider of industrial cleaning services, has compiled some insights into UK salaries to paint a true picture of what the UK’s salaries look like across the country. These insights include:

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Considering a Legal Benefits Plan for Employees? What You Should Know

It’s quite common to offer employees a medical benefits plan, but more and more businesses are starting to look into offering a legal benefits plan for their employees to use, too. It doesn’t matter what size company you operate, and how many or little employees you have, a legal benefits plan can not only be a good thing for your employees, but it can be a huge incentive for staff to stay with your company.

Let’s look at what a legal benefits plan is, and what you should know before you make your decision.

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How to Deal Effectively with Traumatic Incidents in Workplace

Health and safety legislation has made modern workplaces far safer than they were 100 years ago. Major accidents and incidents are rare, but accidents do happen, and small business owners and managers need to have systems in place to deal with the aftermath of such an event. Failure to do so can have serious consequences on your business, employees and yourself. To deal effectively with such incidents you need to understand what you need to do before and after the incident. Here are few tips that will help.

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