Starting a Business in College? Here is What You Need to Know

Michael Dell
Some of the greatest businesses were formulated as business ideas right in college. Dell Computers, started by Michael Dell in his dorm is one of the largest PC manufacturers in the world. Students do not have to wait to graduate before they can start their businesses. However, it is crucial for the students to get to understand some of the basic requirements to start the business and ensure smooth running considering the challenges involved. Here are different aspects of starting and running a business that anyone, and particularly college students need to think about.

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5 Avenues to Earn Money as a Writer

Thousands of people nowadays have chosen to be their own boss by working as freelancers. Internet has created great opportunities for these people. Many types of writing skills are highly required on the internet industry. It is possible for writers to make decent money by doing what they know best and have an interest in. There are five ways writers can employ themselves. These are creative opportunities. They require hard work, self-motivation, dedication, positive attitude and lots of spirits, and willingness to endure financial risks. Five ways writers can employ themselves are freelancing, copywriting, article (web-content) writing, blogging and writing consulting services. These are potential opportunities that can be tapped online and offline platforms.

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UK Government Launches Guide to Find the Right Business Finance

Business Finance
Probably the definitive manual for any business looking for funding in the UK is a new Business Finance Guide, jointly launched by the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the British Business Bank, and promoted by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and 18 major finance and business organisations.

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How to Start a Business in 4 Simple Steps

4 Steps
To many inexperienced entrepreneurs starting a business seems like a daunting task. After all, there are so many items to take care of before you can even open the doors for business. This enormity of challenge turns off many would be entrepreneurs from even giving it a try. In my view, this could be a mistake. While there is no doubt that starting a business requires lot of hard work, along with little bit of luck, with the right planning and preparation it is possible to achieve your dream. The key is to break the challenge in smaller tasks and tackle them one at a time. Here are 4 steps that will guide you through the process of starting a business.

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Starting a business? Read this FAQ First

Business Start
So you have decided to take destiny in your own hands, become your own boss and, hopefully, have a few people working for you. Daunting prospect, isn’t it? Setting out on your first entrepreneurial venture is an exciting but scary time, so we’ve got some help with the answers to a few frequently asked questions.

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Starting a Business? 3 Reasons to Work with a Franchise

For many individuals, being an entrepreneur is a lifelong dream. Being able to own and manage a business, becoming your own boss, and have a potential income stream for years to come all make this an appealing opportunity. However, when the time comes to start a business, it can be difficult to start from ground zero, developing an idea and not having any outline to follow. Consider these three reasons for starting a business with a franchise instead of going it alone.

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Entrepreneurial Lessons from the Creators of Graphic Novel

Entrepreneurs of small businesses have learned a number of valuable lessons on success from getting down and dirty in the trenches. Professionals, such as the creators of the Bacardi novel, who have experienced success, are eager to share what it takes to be a thriving entrepreneur.

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Tips to Successfully Own a Bar Business

If your dream is to own and operate a bar, you may be ready to put in the hard work that is necessary to make your venue a big success. The best bars are those that are packed with people most nights of the week, and they are the places where people go to hang out with their friends, to watch the big game on TV or to have cocktails after a nice dinner or a movie. When you want to own and operate a bar that is a huge success, there are some factors to think about before you get started running your licensed venue.

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How to Set up a Successful Business in Australia

Australia has an amazing environment for business opportunities, and many entrepreneurs are making the decision to relocate an existing business to the country or to create a new start-up. While there are many steps that need to be taken before you can become a successful entrepreneur in Australia, there are few important points that simply cannot be overlooked. In addition to coming up with a great business idea, finding the right business space and other general business efforts, think about these important points.

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Setting Up a Thriving Cosmetic Surgery Business

If you are in the cosmetic surgery field of medicine, you may be ready to branch out on your own and open a private practice. Through this effort, you may increase your income, have greater control over the work environment and even set your own work hours and schedule. While these are just a few of the many benefits that you can enjoy when you set up your own cosmetic surgery business, the fact is that you want your venue to be successful and profitable. In order to accomplish this goal, you may consider following a few important tips.

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