How can Small Businesses Get the Most out of Trade Shows

How small businesses can get the most out of trade shows
Event marketing is one of the areas that don’t get as much attention from small business owners as other types of marketing. Most business owners are comfortable spending money with advertising on traditional media such as newspaper, magazine, radio, TV or Internet. Advertising on these media does not take much time and effort and is deemed to be proven over number of years.

However, if you are not participating in exhibitions and events such as trade shows, home shows and such you may be missing out on one of the best avenues of putting your business name in front of potential customers who are already interested in your products.
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Small Businesses Benefit from Local SEO

Small businesses can benefit from local SEO
Making an impact on the World Wide Web can be daunting for small businesses. The initial instinct is often to appeal to the largest audience possible online. However, when your brick and mortar business is located in a provincial town, small businesses can benefit better from local SEO than an all-encompassing search strategy. Optimising local search listings can help small businesses increase their online presence with limited budget.
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6 Tips for Relocating Your Small Business Office

6 tips for relocating your small business office
Relocating your business office requires a lot of planning and attention to details. You may have to temporarily close or scale down your operation, which can result in financial loss. Your new location may inconvenience your existing customers and business associates. In your hurry or enthusiasm, you may overlook many things crucial to the success of your business. Therefore, you must plan your business relocation with utmost care and execute every step meticulously.

Here are 6 tips on how to relocate your small business office:
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Do Small Businesses Need Social Media Policies?

Social media policies for small business

Most companies now use at least some level of social media to promote their business. Assuming your company uses this method of promotion, it is important to ensure that your online message is professional and consistent.

Large companies create detailed social media policies to make clear to staff exactly how their businesses can and should contribute to these online platforms. This ensures that the company creates the correct impression across all of their online presence – from blog posts to Twitter “tweets.”

Given the high visibility and spontaneous nature of social media, it is fair to say that creating a social media policy is equally important for a smaller business, to ensure that costly mistakes are not made when interacting with customers online.

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Tax Season Opens Security Risks for Small Businesses

Tax Season Opens Security Risks for Small Businesses
According to a nationwide survey conducted by the National Cybersecurity Alliance, 73 percent of small businesses rely on trusted Internet connections and 77 percent report that information security is of the utmost importance. Despite this, over 87 percent of small businesses are unprepared for data breaches that may occur online or through other, traditional methods.

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Small Business Owners – Do you have Long-term Saving Plan?

Long term saving plan for small business owners
If you are like most small business owners you don’t pay enough attention to saving for the long-term. After all, when you can invest money in your own business and get higher return than saving at a bank why wouldn’t you reinvest in your business instead of saving it. Many business owners do not even keep their personal and business finances separate. Their accounts and expenses are intertwined moving money from personal to business and vice versa all the time.

This could be a big mistake. As much as you would like to invest your money back in the business this can create number of issues potentially not only impacting you, but your family too. First of all, if something goes wrong with the business you could lose it all with no rainy day fund to tap into. The tax authorities will also come down hard in audits if you cannot show how your personal and business finances are kept separate.
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Beware of These 5 Traps when Hiring in Small Business

5 traps to watch for when hiring in small business
There are few decisions as important as hiring employees when running a small business. Hiring the right person can take your business to new heights. On the contrary, it doesn’t take long for the business to go in the ditch if a wrong person comes onboard. After all, all businesses, large and small, are largely dependent on their employees to keep them going. The owner or the manager alone cannot take care of everything.

Attrition remains a big problem for all small businesses. It is not surprising to find replacement of the entire workforce within a year. Many small business owners feel as if they are in the constant hiring mode – advertising, interviewing and onboarding employees. How can you expect to do rigorous job when you are always in the hiring mode? However, taking right steps early on and spending extra effort in finding and retaining good employees can pay off in reduced attrition rate, taking care of the nipping the problem from the bud. In an earlier post, I discussed 5 things small business owners must do when hiring. Here we will look at the corollary. What are the traps small business owners should avoid to ensure they don’t end up with bad apples in their employee crew?
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Do not Undersell – How to Set Prices for Maximum Profit

How to Price for Maximum Profit
The goal of pricing a product or service for any small business owner is to charge the maximum amount that customer is willing to pay and maximize profit. If you charge lower than what customer is willing to pay you leave money on the table. If you charge higher customer will walk out the door and you will lose profit.

To some it may seem like Black Magic, but pricing is combination of art and science. Big corporations, such as Wal-Mart, do lot of research and number crunching to figure out to the pennies exactly how much they should charge so that they get the maximum profit. This is the science side of pricing. No matter how much number crunching and data analysis you do human behavior and psychology plays a big role in customers determining whether a given price is a good deal or not. This is where art comes into play. There are number of ways in which business owners can convey the message about good deal (aka pricing) and take advantage of how customers react to that message.
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5 Must Do’s for Hiring Great Employees in Small Business

5 Must Dos for Hiring Great Employees in Small Business
The success of any business is largely dependent on its employees. Good employees can help improve the business, and by the same token, bad employees can sink it into bankruptcy. That is why hiring good employees should be of paramount importance to all businesses, and particularly so for small businesses.

In my observation, most small business owners consider employee hiring a necessary evil they have to deal with when current employees leaves. They approach the hiring process in an ad-hoc fashion and try to get someone quickly so that the business can get back on track. The problem is hiring this way does not get you the right employees you need to make the business successful. Eventually, either you will need to fire the employee because he isn’t the right fit or the employee himself will leave. In the end, the cycle has to repeat and soon you find yourself in the endless hiring loop.
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Tips to Organize Business Finance Weekly to Enjoy Long Term Benefits

Tips to organize business finance weekly

Most entrepreneurs think that adequate finance is the key to success in business. But that’s not true! It is actually the business owner who is the key because it is she or he who decides how to ensure adequate finance for proper functioning of the operations. In order to ensure this sufficiency, it is vital to keep the financial records up-to-date as well as organized so that it becomes easy to track. So, here are some tips for you to follow on a weekly basis so that you can better understand the financial status of your business and maintain it smartly.

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