Safety and Sustainability in the Natural Resource Business

It is an unfortunate truth that many companies that are involved in the natural resources industry leave behind a large, damaging footprint on the environment. This can have a negative impact on the planet as well as on the local community where employees and customers live and work. It can also hurt the corporate image of the company, and in some cases, may subject it to fines due to violations in environmental regulations. If you are responsible for operating a natural resources business and you are looking for ways to improve safety and sustainability in your operations, you may consider few important points discussed below.

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How to Protect Your Business Against Personal Injury Claims

Personal Injury
Business owners must attend to many different tasks over the course of a day. Among the most important of these tasks is the development of an effective safety program to prevent the risk for personal injury and control the amount of workers’ compensation claims that can add to the entrepreneur’s insurance expenses. The advice of experienced lawyers can be an important part of the business owner’s strategy.

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How to Find Best Employees for Small Business

How to find best employees
As a business owner, you understand the importance of having a well-trained team of employees to run your business. Each employee plays a critical role in the overall function the facility, but growing businesses have a need to expand their team and to hire skilled workers to fill new openings in the company. The unfortunate truth, however, is that many companies struggle to find the right individuals to fill specific openings. You certainly do not want to compromise when hiring employees because how important they are to developing or manufacturing your products, serving your customers or otherwise assisting the company through administrative functions. There are a few steps that you can take if your company is expanding and you are looking for effective labour hire solutions. If you’re in Brisbane, you can look at the companies like AWX for your labour hire needs.

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Proven Tips to Reduce Operating Cost in Small Business

Office Space
When you are starting your own business and trying to make it a success it, last thing you want is to end up throwing money down the drain on simply running your office. Certainly office expenses can stack up very quickly, so if you are not careful you could end up wasting money on unnecessary expenses in keeping your firm up and running. However, with a few tips and tricks described below you can save good money in the office, while continuing to give the best possible impression to anyone who comes through the door.

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4 Marketing Mistakes Small Business Should Avoid

Marketing Mistakes
Poor marketing is one of the top 10 reasons small businesses end up closing their doors. Strong marketing and sales strategies can have a massive effect on the success of the business overall.

Most small businesses create social media pages, advertise with local papers, and create a website and think that most of the advertising is done. They neglect to make the most of the digital outlets available to them. This could be out of ignorance of what is available, or it could just be that they are hesitant to spend too much money on marketing. Regardless of the reason, neglecting a strong sales and marketing campaign can be crippling to any business.

It is important to remember that money has to be spent in order to make larger profits. Large corporations figured this out, and that is why so many of them have large and successful marketing campaigns.

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How Safe is Your Business from Hackers?

How safe is your computer system from hackers
Security breaches have become common occurrence in our lives. Every morning brings with it news about website attack or stolen data. At times it seems unless you leave in a cave completely isolated from the external world it is impossible to keep your computers secured from prying eyes. The media talks about large scale attacks, such as the Target security breach that occurred over Christmas, but there is a hacking attack happening every second in some part of the world. Even our own governments are snooping on their citizens as Edward Snowden proved.

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How to Ship Your Vehicle Overseas Cost Effectively

How to ship your venicle overseas cost effectively
The shipping of vehicles overseas is now as easy as counting to three – with certain companies, all of the work is taken care of on your behalf. A lot of them can deliver to destinations almost anywhere in the world, and you will also get a choice on how your vehicle is shipped.

It is becoming more and more common for people to ship their car overseas for number of reasons. Its increase in popularity is largely because the procedure has become simple and straightforward. Cars, motorbikes, trucks and other kinds of vehicles are now delivered to destinations all around the world. There are number of companies that can do this for you and handle all the customs forms and formalities.

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Case Studies in Growing Business by Going Green

Case studies in growing business by going green
Going green is trendy, but many question its benefits and wonder if the initial investment associated with going green is worth it. However, more and more organizations, large and small, are taking this path less travelled and finding the journey not only enjoyable, but profitable as well. The businesses featured below took various paths in their journey to common destination of green and saw significant improvement in their carbon footprint and profits. Read on and let us know if you think your business can achieve the same results by going green.

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What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Company Car?

What factors to consider when choosing a company car
Buying a car for business purpose needs careful consideration even for those business owners who are looking to buy just few cars for themselves or their employees. Of course, large corporations spend lot of time and effort in selecting fleet cars by inviting RFPs from multiple vendors and negotiating for months. Small business owners do not need to go to this length, but they still need to consider number of important factors when considering the business car purchase.

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5 Ways to Tackle the Most Dreaded Item on Your To-do List

Is there a better feeling than crossing something off your To-do list? Big or small, completing any assignment will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which, in turn will motivate you to keep plowing through the list. I actually know someone whose first item on any to-do list is “make list” so that she can scratch it off immediately. Yes, I’m embarrassed for her.

Some tasks, unfortunately, are not completed or deleted that easily.  You know, those pain-in-the-neck projects that you dread the most – the ones that never seem to get done. We all have a task or two that’s taken up permanent residence on our To-do list. It’s like the party guest who just won’t leave, who you’d hide in the coat closet to avoid talking to. Peek out from behind the parkas, and sure enough, he’s still there, double dipping his chips and boring everyone to tears.

When something on your To-do list is bringing the whole party down, it’s time to shake its hand and show it the door! Here are five easy tips to help you tackle that beast, once and for all:

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