How can Small Businesses Leverage Free Technology to Gain Competitive Edge

In the age of Amazon and Walmart – the behemoths that can sell their products at cut-throat prices by leveraging their scale and technology – do small businesses stand any chance to survive? Those who are old enough to remember know that small businesses were the mainstay of American business landscape before large department stores and grocery chains drove many of them out of business. Those small businesses simply could not compete with them on price.

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What Difference a Seasoned Executive Can Make in Managing a Business

Business Management
Managing a global business can be vastly complicated these days. In theory it looks simple. It’s a matter of designing and developing a product, selling it to customers and servicing afterwards. As anyone who has managed multi-million dollar business, or even a small business for that matter, can tell you there are number of nuances involved that go beyond just developing and selling a product or service. In many ways business is like a living organism. One second the business may be performing extremely well and the next quarter an unknown competitive threat arises that jeopardizes the business seriously. You have to stay extremely vigilant to be aware of what’s going on in and around the business react to any changes quickly. This is just one scenario where executives like Dave Brandon come in extremely handy. Companies that need a major lift have to look to for officers with experience in running debt laden companies and rebuilding brands.

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How can Computer Forensics Protect Your Business Data

Computer Forensics
The increased popularity of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in workplaces has created potential for large security hole. Companies of all sizes are vulnerable to threats imposed by employees using their own computes or mobile devices to do business and access sensitive information. Business owners cannot prevent this trend from taking hold in their companies, however they do need to ensure their computer systems and information is secured from falling in the hands of criminals or those who intend to do harm to your business. Computer forensic is one way to track the employee behavior and catch the ones who intend to do harm. Here is how computer forensic can help secure your business.

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3 Reasons Western Economies Must Invest in Infrastructure

The aging infrastructure of many Western nations may not be the most exciting or lively topic to discuss in economics, but it plays a crucial role. Infrastructure investments play a critical role in long-term economic growth, job creation and economic competition in an increasingly globalised world.

Infrastructure investments are key to economic growth both in the short and long-term as they will assure Western economies stay competitive with emerging rivals such as China, India and Brazil. Below we elaborate on 3 primary reasons Western economies must heavily invest in their infrastructure.

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Infographic: The Perfect Blueprint for Office Design

World Best Office Design

World Best Office Design

The architecture and layout of the office plays very important role in employee productivity and happiness. The office design has gone through several iterations over the years – walled offices, cubicles, open floor plan and so on. When designing the office you need to look at several aspects, including layout, desks, seating arrangements, refreshment facility, interaction areas, etc. Look at the Infographic below to learn about various options available in each of these areas and how they impact the productivity and engagement.

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Who and What Matters for Small Business Safety

You may like to think that workplace safety is near the top of your watch list, but in reality, most small businesses are so concerned with managing their business and maintaining profit margins that making sure the building is safe falls far by the wayside.

However, the hustle and bustle of your small, booming business is exactly why you must keep up-to-date on your safety procedures and equipment; with so many bodies moving in and around your workplace every day, an accident could easily develop into a horrific disaster under unsafe circumstances.

Once you establish firm safety rules and regulations, it should be easy to keep your small workplace running smoothly and safely. Yet, while you are still developing the protocol, you should keep these groups’ everyday needs in mind.

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Starting a business? Read this FAQ First

Business Start
So you have decided to take destiny in your own hands, become your own boss and, hopefully, have a few people working for you. Daunting prospect, isn’t it? Setting out on your first entrepreneurial venture is an exciting but scary time, so we’ve got some help with the answers to a few frequently asked questions.

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Practical Approaches to Reduce Business Costs

Cost Reduction
The world is full of ideas on how to reduce business costs, although many of these are based on theory rather than the harsh practicalities of commercial management. After all, it doesn’t make sense to reduce costs if it is detrimental to profitability, as this will have a debilitating effect even in a growing economy. With that in mind, all costs must be measured in line with their potential return, before any decision is made on where to make reductions.

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10 tips for optimising your home office space

Home Office
Whether you’ve transformed your spare room into an office or set up under the stairs, it is essential to make the most of your home office space. There are many things you can do to make your work area as professional, comfortable and roomy as possible. Check out these handy tips.

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Small Changes that can drive a More Sustainable Business

It’s a standard practice these days for businesses of all sizes to develop and implement company-wide environmental policy. If you are a large business with a big workforce and a correspondingly large carbon footprint, an environmental policy is beneficial for a number of reasons: besides the obvious (and very important) environmental impact, a clear eco-strategy can cut energy costs, provide clear guidance for employees and reduce culpability in case of legal grey areas. But how to successfully design and implement these changes? While many of the items on your list will be specific to your business, there are many simple changes which can be executed within any industry to create a cost-effective, carbon-friendly working environment.

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