Even with the rise of social media and other digital marketing efforts email marketing continues to be relevant and popular form of marketing to reach potential customers. The reasons are very clear. You can target multiple customers with a single email, and still able to personalize it for individual recipients. It is also very cost-effective. No wonder cold email is still very popular with digital marketers. As a marketer you need to ensure that you are using best practices and do not make mistakes that can jeopardize your marketing campaign.
Most people have been on the receiving end of an e-mail marketing blunder. Perhaps you’ve opened a marketing email to find that the sender has forgotten to put your name in the opening line, or maybe you’ve received an email containing an interesting link, only to find that it leads nowhere when you click on it. As a business owner, you’ll know that many marketing mistakes can be very costly to make. When it comes to email marketing, even small mistakes could cost you some credibility or create problems when it comes to building good relationships with your customers. So, with that in mind, we’ve listed some of the biggest email marketing mistakes to avoid.