First Time Landlords – Should you Lease your Property Through an Agency?

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In recent years, increase in house prices has ushered in a new age of inexperienced landlords trying to cash in on the boom – if you’re reading this you may even be one yourself. It is worth considering your options, then, especially if you are inexperienced, and asking yourself the question, should I lease my property through an agency?
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How to Revitalise Your Salon Business for Next-to-Nothing

How to revitalize your salon business
Get your salon equipment right, and the rest will follow. Of course, all stylists are looking to strike a balance between low cost salon equipment and high end products, but there doesn’t necessarily need to be a trade-off between the two.
You can save money and retain your favourite supplies – it’s possible! But it’s also possible to get creative with your boutique’s budget. Read on for more information on how to revitalise your salon for next-to-nothing.
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Are you Making these 5 Terrible Sales Mistakes?

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Growing sales is the ultimate sign that your small business is on the right track. The day your sales become stagnant, or even worse, start declining it’s time to start getting worried. If you don’t pay attention to declining sales and start taking actions to reverse them you may reach the point of no return and hurt your business permanently.
The problem is it is very difficult to pinpoint exactly what mistakes you are making that contribute to declining sales because many times you don’t even realize you are making them. The mistakes could be happening in anywhere within your business functions – customer service, products, marketing, and competition. Many of these mistakes are strategic in nature, which means that you do not directly see them in everyday transactions, but their impact can be very large. This is what understanding reversing sales decline very puzzling.
To add to confusion, there is a considerable lag between the time you make those mistakes and when their impact shows up in the form of declining sales. That is why it is paramount to be aware of these mistakes and ensure you are taking corrective measures before it is too late. Here are 5 common sales mistakes I have noticed small business owners make frequently.
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Walking Billboards!! Benefits of Placing Company Logo on Clothes

Walking Billboard - benefits of placing company logo on clothes
Some people may not agree, but billboards are still relevant in this age of digital advertising. They offer great visibility to businesses in a very cost-effective way. For one thing, they are always there. People do not have to hunt for them. When designed right, they can catch people’s eyes and make lasting impression on their minds.
Wouldn’t it be even more effective if you could take those billboards and make them mobile so that they can be put in front of the people in multiple places? This is exactly putting the company logo and other brand building advertisements on the clothes people wear can do. This is similar to putting Facebook’s “Sponsored Stories” in people’s news page, except the story moves around and gives exposure in front of hundreds of people.
Businesses can incorporate the promotional logo clothing in multiple ways. The most common is giving T-shirts with your corporate logo to visitors and customers at Trade shows and other such places. You can also ask your employees to wear them while they are on duty. They will probably wear them even when they are not working. No matter how you do it placing corporate logo on clothes provides excellent visibility to your business in addition to other benefits described below.
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5 Principles to Follow when Buying Business

There are few decisions in life that are as important as buying business. Think about it! You are getting ready to bet your life savings on it. Not only that, but you are betting your future on it too. The decision not only affects you, but everyone around you, especially your family and friends. You will pay the price for any mistake you make at this point for a long time.
It is easy to make wrong decisions during the buying process, particularly after you become too involved, and get frustrated by the slow pace of progress. You just want to get it done and start working on the future rather than continue “wasting” your time. This is when you are likely to make wrong decisions and regret them afterwards. I always like to lay out few principles that I can go back to when this type of situation arises, so that I can keep myself in the check. The 5 mantras I have described below are meant to guide potential buyer during the buying process and help make the right decision.
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You CAN Handle The Truth: Five Legal Myths Small Business Owners Should Avoid

We’ve all dreamt about standing up in front of a packed courtroom and shouting the words, “You can’t handle the truth!” But when it comes time to protecting our small businesses and our personal assets, reenacting A Few Good Men won’t get us very far.

There are several legal myths that small business owners commonly believe in. These myths aren’t only dangerous to our companies, but they can be dangerous to our personal livelihoods. Take a look at the five legal myths below to make sure your company isn’t sinking into hot water.
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Under Promise, Over Deliver – Key to Business Success

Do you remember the time when you were pleasantly surprised to get more than you had expected from a business? How about the time when you were annoyed when you didn’t get what business had promised? It’s interesting how we remember outcomes that have turned out better than or worse than our expectations, but not the ones that came out as promised! Businesses who understand this simple fact stand to benefit by delighting their customers. This is the commonly known principle of “Under Promise and Over Deliver”.
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Top 10 Blog Articles from 2012

As we herald into 2013 I thought it would be worthwhile to revisit the stories we produced in 2012 and the response we received from the readers. Here are the top 10 articles, in no particular order that got the most attention, discussion, controversy and response.
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9 Tips for Protecting Your Business from Outrageous Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury attorneys and legal referral lines advertise everywhere from benches at bus stops to the radio, television, newspaper and Internet. Apparently there’s big money in getting injured! Although some personal injury claims are legitimate and their subsequent lawsuits justified, others are simply born out of greed. Why? Unfortunately, for too many people, the thought of earning an easy buck by suing someone for an injury that may or may not exist is more attractive than actually working to earn that dollar.

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What Yelp Business Listing can Do for Your Restaurant

Some restaurants are still unsure as to whether or not they want to claim their business on Yelp, the popular review site. They don’t feel like they need to pay attention to the review site while others don’t see the benefit that a review site can bring to their establishment, but a Yelp business listing can bring many advantages to your company, including the following.
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