The State of Social Media in 2013

The State of Social Media in 2013
The social media continued to command attention from consumers, publishers and advertisers alike in 2013. Consumers still cannot live without accessing their Facebook account almost every day. They cannot stop showing pictures of their favorite food or vacation spot on Instagram. Because of this publishers cannot afford not to pay attention to social media sites to get in front of their audience. The end effect is that advertisers have taken notice of this increasing trend in social media and have started spending more money on social media sites. Any vendor or publisher who does not have social media strategy stands to lose customers and audience members.

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3 Funding Options to Grow Your Business. How to Pick the Right One

3 funding options to grow your business
A company’s capital refers to the money it has received from its owners, third party investors, or stock-holders. This money is provided as a method of fuel for the company. Many company owners have a lot of great ideas on how they can successfully grow their companies and thus their profits, but they may not always have the necessary funds to execute those ideas. This is where capital comes in.

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What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Company Car?

What factors to consider when choosing a company car
Buying a car for business purpose needs careful consideration even for those business owners who are looking to buy just few cars for themselves or their employees. Of course, large corporations spend lot of time and effort in selecting fleet cars by inviting RFPs from multiple vendors and negotiating for months. Small business owners do not need to go to this length, but they still need to consider number of important factors when considering the business car purchase.

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How to Build a Great Website for Your Business in No Time

How to build a great website for your business in no time
A website can be the online face of your business or hobby. If you are considering setting up a website for the first time, you will want to spend a good amount of time planning for your content, multimedia and design elements. Those who are new to building websites may not have the knowledge of more complicated techniques such as coding, but with a number of products on the market for web design, it is easy to put together a website without having to deal with the specific code of each page.

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Is Your Office Design Hurting or Helping Employee Productivity?

Office Design
Is there any connection between how your office is furnished and employee productivity? If you look at the amenities provided by Google, Facebook and other innovative companies you could argue that creating right atmosphere and furnishing the office properly can encourage creativity and make your employees more productive. Creating a welcoming atmosphere in the office is just as important is it is in the home. Your employees feel more relaxed and at easy in this environment and can do their best work.

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5 Ways to Tackle the Most Dreaded Item on Your To-do List

Is there a better feeling than crossing something off your To-do list? Big or small, completing any assignment will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which, in turn will motivate you to keep plowing through the list. I actually know someone whose first item on any to-do list is “make list” so that she can scratch it off immediately. Yes, I’m embarrassed for her.

Some tasks, unfortunately, are not completed or deleted that easily.  You know, those pain-in-the-neck projects that you dread the most – the ones that never seem to get done. We all have a task or two that’s taken up permanent residence on our To-do list. It’s like the party guest who just won’t leave, who you’d hide in the coat closet to avoid talking to. Peek out from behind the parkas, and sure enough, he’s still there, double dipping his chips and boring everyone to tears.

When something on your To-do list is bringing the whole party down, it’s time to shake its hand and show it the door! Here are five easy tips to help you tackle that beast, once and for all:

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7 Funding Options to Solve Cash Flow Crisis in Your Business

7 Funding Options When Your Business Has a Cash Flow Crisis
Cash flow crisis is the primary reasons most small businesses fail. If you don’t watch cash flow like a hawk your business will end up in trouble sooner rather than later, and in many cases this may prove fatal. Nevertheless, many small businesses will encounter cash crunch at some point in their existence. How you deal with can determine whether your business will be able to survive or meet the graveyard. The immediate action you need to take when facing cash flow challenge is to find found sources that can provide cash on a short-term basis and help you meet your cash obligations to your creditors and employees. Below we describe 7 options you can explore to find cash needed to keep your business going.

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Manage These 2 Facets of Customer Relationship Well to Grow Business

Manage These 2 Facets of Customer Relationship to Grow Business
Every business lives and dies by how it manages customer relations. Companies that manage this relationship well can grow consistently for number of years.  We have seen this with customer focused companies such as Amazon, Southwest Airlines and Ritz Carlton. Think about the great customer service experience you received from any such companies and you will understand what I am talking about. On the other hand, companies that do not manage customer relationship well can lead to their own demise in a short time.

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5 Essential Tips to Improve Credit Score for Small Business Owners

5 essential tips to imrpove credit score for small business owners
Taking control of your personal finances is a must if you want to save more, invest, buy a new vehicle or home, take a vacation, or simply improve your budgeting and cut expenses. Grabbing hold of your finances firmly is also an excellent way to improve your credit, which is often a topic of concern for many people. The sad truth is that it doesn’t take much to damage your credit – a couple of delinquent payments and a few credit card applications can send your credit score plummeting. It doesn’t take long to see your credit score drop to the 700s or even the 600s, but it can be awfully hard to get it back up into the 700s. So what can you to improve your finances, and in turn your credit score. Here are five essential tips.

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How Far can a Million Take You Today?

How far can a million take you today
A million pounds earned today is not the same as what it used to be a decade ago. The definition of “rich” is constantly changing. In the mid 1990s you could be considered “rich” if you had million pounds. Today, you are not “rich” with million pounds of total worth. You are just “well-off.” You might be able to retire comfortably, but you will not be able to send your kids to college, and you will still have to make plans for your long-term healthcare needs, depending on where you live.

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