What is SEO and Why Every Small Business Needs It

An increasing number of businesses are getting started all the time. Small businesses require a lot of marketing to launch them into a success. There are various different techniques to use for this and online marketing plays a vital role in any modern start up.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and many businesses, both large and small, use this to increase their online visibility in order to attract a larger amount of visitors to their website. This in turn should help boost sales of the company’s products or services, allowing it to grow further.

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5 Types of Point of Sale Displays for Small Retail Businesses

POS Display
Creating an effective Point of Sale display is one of the most crucial areas of marketing for your retail business. Building a successful POS display in your shop calls for good timing, thoughtful positioning, the right design, and most importantly, the right message.
So in a nutshell, if you consider the seasonal calendar, your store layout vs. footfall, the look and feel of your Point of Sale design, and your marketing copy, you have a good formula for effective, attention-grabbing POS displays that convert into sales. But if you’re a small business with a modest marketing budget, how do you know which types of POS material to invest in?

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How Video Production can Help Business Owners Showcase Products

Video Production
Any business that sells products needs to find the best way advertise their goods, as this is how you communicate to your audience and explain why they should choose you over the competition. It is difficult do this through text and images. Often these adverts will unfortunately go unnoticed. Instead, it is much better to produce a video featuring the products. This is the most engaging form of media, and it is also one which lends itself well to advertising. With a video you have the ability to construct a narrative through audio and visual elements, and this also enables businesses to show their product in action too. If your company sells laptops for example, then a well produced video that shows the laptop working will be much more beneficial than a photo of the laptop next to a wall of text.

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Is Cloud Computing Right for Your Small Business?

Cloud Computing
Since virtualisation surfaced as a scalable, reliable and robust IT solution, it’s been marketed as the perfect answer for small to medium businesses. With the pull of increased security, improved accessibility, reduced downtime as well as reduced costs of server maintenance, businesses have been falling at the feet of marketers. But in a recent article by John Leonard on the Computing News website, half of SMEs are still steering clear of the cloud.

Why is this? With SMEs making up 90 per cent of business in the UK, it’s important to understand why virtualisation still doesn’t seem like a viable option to half of this market.

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How to attract new customers to Grow your Business

Successful SMEs need to be constantly pushing, evolving and growing. It is a fact of any business that you will lose some customers to competition periodically, that is why attracting new customers should a key part of your future growth. They can replace the lost business to competition, and help grow your business by providing new source of growth. It does take considerable effort and time to attract new customers. Here are five ways to reach out to tomorrow’s customers, today.

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How to Make Your Small Business More Efficient

As a small business owner, you know that time is money. And the less time you have to spend on something, the less it will cost and the more money you will be able to put in your pocket. There are lots of ways to improve the efficiency of the way you operate your business. They range from getting your staff involved, making them more efficient, automating repetitive tasks and getting outside help to perform tasks at a lower cost. Read on to learn the details on these.

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Looking to Relocate? How to Find the Perfect Place for Your Business

Office Building
If you’ve decided that a new place of work would be beneficial for all of your employees, then it’s time to start planning. Relocating a business can be just as stressful as buying a new home, so you must be flexible and plan ahead to ensure that everything is in place when it is time to move. The tips discussed below will help you find the right place for your business as well as help to make your move less stressful.

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Why Your Restaurant Needs Social Media

Social Media
Today’s technology driven world has created a strong business presence on social media. If utilized wisely it can greatly benefit your restaurant. Social media pages provide you with opportunities to personally connect with your customers by displaying menus and pictures as well as advertising for special events. It also allows you to communicate with your customers through a variety of posting and messaging methods. However, the costs of social media can add up over time, especially if you choose to utilize the services of an outside company. So how can you save pennies and receive the benefits of social media at the same time? Keep reading below for some simple advice.

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Practical Approaches to Reduce Business Costs

Cost Reduction
The world is full of ideas on how to reduce business costs, although many of these are based on theory rather than the harsh practicalities of commercial management. After all, it doesn’t make sense to reduce costs if it is detrimental to profitability, as this will have a debilitating effect even in a growing economy. With that in mind, all costs must be measured in line with their potential return, before any decision is made on where to make reductions.

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How to Select Catering Services during Business Events

Business events, no matter whether they’re for training or networking purposes, are vital for getting your business ‘out there’. As a result, if you’re hosting one, it is vital that it is a success. Although the main theme/purpose of the event is undoubtedly important, there’s one other factor it is essential that you get right: the food.

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