Infographic: Impact of Technology in Training and Education


Technology has revolutionized the way students learn these days. In the past the only way to educate or train someone was through classroom training. With the advent of computers and internet students are finding many different avenues to learn – YouTube video, interactive software, group training and so on. Studies show that these alternate means of training are not only more fun, but they are more effective as well. It also helps those in the remote areas, who never had the opportunity to go to school in the past to educate them through remote training. Who would have imagined that someone sitting in the living room in India would be able to attend a class taught by a Stanford University professor? Read the Infographic below to learn more about how training has changed in the digital age.

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Starting a business? Read this FAQ First

Business Start
So you have decided to take destiny in your own hands, become your own boss and, hopefully, have a few people working for you. Daunting prospect, isn’t it? Setting out on your first entrepreneurial venture is an exciting but scary time, so we’ve got some help with the answers to a few frequently asked questions.

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Infographic: How can Network Management Software Improve IT Operations

Network Management

Infographic provided by Help/Systems

When looking to maintain a healthy information technology environment in your business, deploying the right network management software is essential. By doing so, your IT department can more easily monitor and solve problems before they can do any significant damage while also lowering expenses by improving asset utilization.
As your business grows and changes, effective network management software will also help leaders adapt and grow by offering analysis of trends and data that could be potentially detrimental to daily operations. Having the ability to see what is going on in your company’s networks can assist in minimizing risk while maximizing network potential. For more information about the benefits of adding network management software to your company’s repertoire, check out the infographic below:

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Money Hacks for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

Personal Finance
Tracking your money is important. This is true in your personal life and it is especially true in your professional life. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it is your responsibility to know where every last cent you earn comes from and where it goes. Properly tracking your money and making sure that your finances are in order is how you make sure that your company survives.

You know this already, of course. You know that the money is what makes your project a company and not just a very time consuming hobby. What you might not know, though, is what to track or how to track it. Here are some hints to help you with that.

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How to Improve Trading Performance with Binary Options

Stock Trading
Trading can be a risky proposition. You can win big in a short period of time. At the same time, it is easy to lose a lot too. Any trader will always be looking to improve performance and optimise profits. There are certainly some tricks and tools available that can help you to become a better and more profitable binary options trader.

You can make use of binary options trading signals as part of your currency trading strategy. In addition to this useful tool, there are some other ways to help you optimise your predictions.

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How to Use Data Analytics to Effectively Manage Loan Portfolio

Data Analytics
Data is the lifeblood of nearly every business. In the financial world, data is the primary reason companies succeed. This is why so many credit unions are using data analytics tools to help them improve their lending performance. If you are involved in credit union lending, you might benefit from the use of lending software. According to, lending software can provide you with important data that helps you manage your loan portfolio. Read on to find several ways in which data analytics can help improve the performance of loan portfolio.

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Is Your Business Prepared to Handle Power Failure?

Electric Power
We are all reliant on technology to get us through the working day. Just think of how limited your workflow would be without access to your computer. However, many companies take the fact that they have access to mains electricity for granted. I am sure you have been in a situation at work where power was down and all you could do was wait until the system was back on. This doesn’t have to be the case, though, and ensuring your business has some kind of a backup is not only essential, it’s actually a simple procedure.

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Infographic: Are you a Saver or Spender? Key to Becoming a Millionaire

Piggy Bank
For many people there is a misconception that millionaires are a special breed that somehow got lucky and hit a jackpot or inherited large sum of money. In reality, the secret to becoming a millionaire is having a consistent and persistent savings plan and save part of the income on a regular basis. Success does not arrive overnight. Some of the most well known billionaires are consummate thrifts. For example, Warren Buffet is famous for living in the same modest house he has lived for number of years and driving a beat-up car.

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Workplace Injuries from Forklifts and How to Prevent Them

Most employers and employees recognize that forklifts can be a dangerous piece of machinery, but they also underestimate their safety profile. Once training has been completed, it is assumed that the risk of injury drops substantially. In reality, these machines are inherently dangerous. Here are just some of the ways in which accidents that can occur while an employee is using them, and tips to keep your workers safe.

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Starting a Business? 3 Reasons to Work with a Franchise

For many individuals, being an entrepreneur is a lifelong dream. Being able to own and manage a business, becoming your own boss, and have a potential income stream for years to come all make this an appealing opportunity. However, when the time comes to start a business, it can be difficult to start from ground zero, developing an idea and not having any outline to follow. Consider these three reasons for starting a business with a franchise instead of going it alone.

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