Calculator: What is the Monthly Payment on an SBA Loan?

Business Loan
Small Business Administration loans are essentially bank loans that are backed by the SBA, allowing businesses to get longer loan terms and lower interest rates than a traditional bank loan. The SBA 7a loan is the most popular of these loans, making it the most applicable loan to small businesses. This calculator will not reflect accurate interest rates or monthly payments for other types SBA loans besides the 7a loan.

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Benefits of Setting up a Warehouse for Small Business

The term warehouse makes people think of a large enterprise that owns millions of dollars of inventory and hence needs a place to securely store it. They mistakenly believe small business owners really don’t need a warehouse or can’t afford them. You will be mistaken to think that. Small businesses and start-ups alike can enjoy the benefits of owning a warehouse facility. You will also be surprised to find that there are number of affordable options to own and operate a warehouse. Read on to find out number of ways in which a warehouse can help grow your business in cost effective manner.

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3 Tips for Choosing a Forex Broker

Foreign exchange is the largest financial market in the world with an average traded value in excess of $4 trillion per day. It functions a little differently to other financial markets in that there is no central marketplace, so all trades must be placed through brokers. A large number of these brokers exist, and that means there are a lot of options for traders to choose from. So how can you narrow them down to find the right broker for you? Here are three important things to consider.

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Infographic: The Recipe for Perfect Business Logo

Some of the world’s most memorable logos are the ones that have accomplished simple, yet bold designs. Take the Nike swoosh logo. Recognized worldwide, the Nike logo has gone beyond brand to become iconic. Yet it is a remarkably simple, but well-thought-out design. The Apple logo is another instantly recognizable logo. It’s also a great example of a black and white logo that pairs a simple image for a bold statement. Bold designs aren’t limited to black and white though. For an example, look no further than the Google logo, which makes an impact through both its colors and clean font.

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Pros and Cons of Wealth Management Plans for Small Business Owners

Wealth Management
Wealth management is as important as building wealth for small business owners. Poor wealth management can evaporate all of the hard earned money. A new plan called modular iPlan provides a great alternative to many small business owners looking for a new retirement plan option. With great flexibility and transparent pricing, there are number of positives to modular iPlans, but what about any negatives or things to watch out for? In this blog post, we take a balanced view, assessing both the pros and cons so that you can find out if a modular iPlan is the best choice for you.

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Workplace Safety: How to Keep Employees Safe from Respiratory Issues

Respiratory Hazard
Some of the biggest ever claims made against companies by employees and former employees have been related to respiratory issues caused in the workplace. Things are getting better as we come to understand the impact of our surroundings on our bodies. However, this does not mean that you can afford to be careless. There are three primary areas that you need to consider to ensure the safety of your employees from harmful airborne chemicals and particles. You are after all responsible for their safety and well-being, as well as protection of your own interests.

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Managing Waste in Safe and Effective Manner in Small Business

Waste Management
For small business owners managing waste being produced is part of doing the business. It is important from responsible environmental policy perspective as well as from regulatory viewpoint. Having an effective waste management policy should not only be an essential component of how the company performs its tasks and projects, but also serve as a legal safeguard. Legislation is very tight regarding how companies dispose of their waste, and the penalties for failing to dispose of waste appropriately can be heavy. In this post we aim to provide general guidelines for effective waste management with small businesses in mind, with special focus on those that generate clinical detritus.

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Infographic: 5 Ways Test Management Solutions Can Improve Software

In today’s business landscape, software efficiency and effectiveness are a must. By deploying proper test management solutions, organizations in all industries can achieve this goal while maintaining tight budgets and deadlines. Allowing quality assurance to track what goes on in a firm can also help business leaders keep up with the times and stay adaptable.

Implementing a solution with real-time test management can help to eliminate inefficiencies in any business that could account for a large portion of costs. Additionally, such software can allow quality assurance to address any problems as they arise, rather than letting them get worse as time goes on. Alongside its problem-solving capabilities, test management also provides advanced metrics that can help decision-makers understand exactly how their solutions are serving their business. For more information on how test management can improve software, check out the infographic below:

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How Efficient Use of Resources can Lead to Greater Happiness

In not so recent past, it seemed that everything was getting super size. Food portions were getting bigger to give people “more bang for their buck”. People were adding onto their homes and moving to large mansions featured on TV shows. Trucks and cars were getting to the size of small house. Recently, however, people have come to realize that bigger is not necessarily better. Sometimes, surplus room or extra space can add to distractions and unnecessary hassle. The trend around the house, cars and trucks has reversed and people are turning to more sensible size and food portions.

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A Beginners Guide to Selecting an Office Space

Office Building
Given large number of options that are available, the decision regarding office space is one of the most complex decisions that business owners need to make. Are you a complete novice when it comes to office space? Does it all sound a little confusing to you? Here we have put together a beginner’s guide to alleviate the pain associated with selecting office space. Let’s take a look at some of the important questions that you need to ask yourself when going through the process of renting office space for your business.

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