Recent Boom in Commercial Real Estate Market in U.S.

Real Estate
Commercial real estate prices are steadily rising, which reflects a robust U.S. economy. When commercial properties are in demand, it shows that businesses are flourishing and businesses have confidence in the economy. Commercial properties can be retail establishments, office complexes, medical facilities, schools, warehouses, or multifamily housing units, as long as they are income-generating properties. Here are some recent noteworthy transactions in commercial real estate market.

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A Complete Guide to Career in Market Research

Market Research
Market research as a career can be somewhat of a mystery to many people. Ask anyone what a market research analyst is and what they do, and you’ll get a different answer every time. They have a vague notion of these people calling on people to take a survey or ask questions and determine what people like and are likely to buy. However, this is a very limited view of what market research profession is about. It takes more than just asking people about their likes to be a market research analyst. Below you will find answers to many questions on market research – what it really means to be an analyst and why they do it.

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The Missing Link: How Startups can Target Small Businesses with Solutions

Missing Link
We are living in the Golden Age of technology innovation. If you look around technology startups are popping up everywhere targeting numerous industries and business applications. The arrival of cloud computing, mobile technology and social media has enabled anyone with innovative idea, and willingness to work hard, to launch a startup for mere few thousand dollars. No wonder Silicon Valley is overflowing with number of twenty year old looking to strike it rich with a startup.

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Boost Your Retirement Security with Single-Premium Immediate Annuities

Many investors lost a great deal of money in the recent recession, and some, unfortunately, saw their retirement portfolios dwindle to almost nothing. Many who are at or near retirement age are looking to rebuild through safer investments. Now, there are number of ways in which you can ensure the safety of your investments. You can park your money under the mattress, put it in money market fund or invest in US bonds. One of the investment vehicles that has gained popularity in the recent past is annuities. But are annuities the answer? Many investors are still somewhat uncertain about what annuities are and if annuities are the answer to the safety of retirement savings. To clear the confusion here is a simple guide to annuity.

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How can Small Businesses Leverage Free Technology to Gain Competitive Edge

In the age of Amazon and Walmart – the behemoths that can sell their products at cut-throat prices by leveraging their scale and technology – do small businesses stand any chance to survive? Those who are old enough to remember know that small businesses were the mainstay of American business landscape before large department stores and grocery chains drove many of them out of business. Those small businesses simply could not compete with them on price.

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How can Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Streamline Your Business

ERP in word tag cloud

ERP in word tag cloud

Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) software can significantly enhance the efficiency of a business. It is designed to improve information flow among the various parts of an operation, allowing each department as well as the business as a whole to function more effectively.

What is revolutionary about ERP is the fact that it is one overarching program designed to meet the needs of many different departments. The flow of products depends upon the flow of information. Overall, ERP systems help businesses to better meet their customers’ needs at every point in the production and distribution process.

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4 Point Checklist to Ensure your Business Investments are Secure

Business Investment
If your business relies on providing loan or investing in assets, you know how important it is to make the right choices. The wrong choice can be disastrous for the business, and for you personally. While most businesses that are already established will have checks and balances in place already, start-ups may not be at that stage yet. If you are looking at entering a business with this kind of model, it is worth having some idea of what you are looking for before committing to an investment. Here is a handy checklist to help you ensure your investments are secure.

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How to Select the Perfect Roller Banner Display for Trade Show

Roller Banner
In order to have an effective, eye-catching roller banner to display at your next event you need to design artwork for the banner that makes people take notice. Putting together a stand-out banner can be a daunting prospect if you do not have any design experience, but fortunately it is not actually difficult to make something interesting and creative for your stand. Here are some tips for designing a great roller banner, and how to create something that will be remembered for all the right reasons.

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8 Inexpensive ways to Remodel Storefront

It has been a few years since you opened your storefront. You’ve managed to carve your place within the community and create a healthy customer base. However, the aesthetics of the store is beginning to look a little stale and dated. You want to remodel, but you think that you can’t afford it, so you become comfortable with your store’s appearance and do nothing. If this sounds like you, then you are not alone – many small business owners fall into a comfortable rut after a few years of operation and fail to update the look and feel of their store.

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Infographic: Why Corporate Culture Matters

Organizational Culture in word collage

Organizational Culture in word collage

Culture is such a soft term that many executives forget to pay attention to it. Instead they focus on financials, products, sales, marketing and other more “tangible” aspects of running the business. This could be a big mistake. Culture is a more important factor in a company’s success than you might think. It affects everything from product branding, to the hiring process and employee productivity, and everything in between. It should be introduced as a required MBA class due to the impact it can have on the success of business. As you work toward your online MBA degree and think about your next employment opportunity, consider corporate culture first. Look at the Infographic below to understand the impact culture have on the business:

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