Safety on the Job – Importance of Small Business Safety Checklists

Running a small business can be an exciting venture as profits begin to grow and new employees are added to the payroll. However, one thing that many small business owners often overlook is that with growth come additional risks. Safety procedures for a handful of employees can be totally different than when there are twenty or thirty people milling about at their duties. From the front end where visitors and clients are received to shipping and receiving in the back end, there are safety procedures which should be in place in order to prevent an unfortunate accident.

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What do you Need to Know before Installing Solar Panels

Solar Panel
We’ve been hearing for years about the many benefits of installing solar panels in our homes. The technology in the solar industry continues to improve each year, making the viability of powering our houses with energy from the sun increasingly appealing. If you want to modify your home or include panels in a new construction project, there are some facts to consider first. Here is what you need to know about photovoltaic cells.

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4 Ways Businesses can Leverage Smartphone for Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing
With a huge boom in smartphone ownership, these devices are now being used in more ways than ever imagined, especially in the marketing world. Smartphones are being used for more than just taking pictures or chatting with friends. Ignoring their marketing potential can cost you dearly in the future. Read on to find four ways you can take advantage of the booming smartphone industry to get your business out to more people.

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The 4 C’s of Cloud-Based Small Business Solutions

Whether you’re operating a brick-and-mortar retail store or running a consulting firm from a home office, as a small business owner, you are constantly looking for new ways to improve and streamline your day-to-day tasks. In the digital age, this means finding and implementing the right technology to manage your behind-the-scenes operations, so you can focus on the real reasons you started a business in the first place.

With that in mind, it’s no wonder that small business owners are moving more and more of their businesses onto the cloud. It’s a win/win scenario. The cloud simplifies the technical stuff while expanding the possibilities of where, when and how you do business. Still not convinced? Here are the 4 C’s of cloud computing that can transform the way you work.

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Start Your New Business the Easy Way with These Tips

Key to Success
Most people would agree that starting a new business can be a big challenge. In addition to usual challenge of finding an idea and coming up with a plan to execute it there is so much paperwork to complete it might take weeks to get things moving. Do not despair! There are number of strategies and tools you can use to speed up the process. You don’t need to worry about the paper work at this stage. You should be more concerned with dreaming up creative ideas that will help you to make a profit. With that in mind, you just need to use some of the tips listed below. They will likely make your life easier and give you a good head start on the path to success.

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4 Proven Tips to Increase Productivity in Your Company

Opportunities for small businesses have never been greater. However, business success is only possible when the company is productive. If yours isn’t as efficient as it could be, then now is the time for change. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources to increase workflow throughout your company. As a great business owner, your job is to locate the ones that are right for you. Not to worry, we’re here to help with these four suggestions. They might not all be right for everyone, but they should at least open your eyes to finding new opportunities. If any of the items are suitable, employ them now, and you’ll soon see vast improvements.

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Infographic – Why You should Hire more Women in Executive Ranks

Marissa Mayer
Women run 30% of the world’s businesses, but make up only 5% of the executives at large corporations. Research proves that corporations see financial benefits when they have larger population of female executives. Women are considered as being more honest and ethical. They also provide fair pay and benefits as well as pay more attention to mentoring employees all of which lead to higher employee engagement and greater growth. Here is an Infographic that provides insights into female run corporations along with benefits they provide.

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Zen and the Art of Losing a Customer – Lessons from Avis Car Rental

Your front line employees who interface with customers regularly can make or break your business. These are the people in the call center providing help and answers to customers as well as calming them down when they call with complaints. They are also the ones working at front desk who direct customers properly and guide them through paper work, etc. When this employee is a manager with an authority the stakes are multiplied. At least with the employee the customer has hope to take the complaint to the manager, but when the buck stops at the manager and when the customer has lost all hopes of getting problem resolved you can be sure to lose him for life!

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How can Businesses Improve Security and Efficiency with Plastic ID Cards

Picture ID
In places such as schools, hospitals, leisure centres, sports clubs, building sites and many different businesses, there will be lots of different people onsite. In all of these places, it is important that you are able to identify people. This is so that people are able to know who they are talking to and what position they hold, but also for security reasons. This can be achieved through the use of high quality identification cards. These cards should display a photo ID, as well as all the relevant information about the holder. These ID cards can serve a bigger purpose than this however, and they can help to improve the entire operation that the business or organisation is running.

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Creating a Better Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Digital Marketing Strategy
One of the most important factors to having a successful and competitive business is having an ability to engage with customers on a regular basis. The latest advances in technology, and of course the growing popularity of social media has made achieving this much easier than it has ever been. However, few brands are actually sitting down and planning a proper digital marketing strategy. Here are some helpful tips that can be used to build a better digital marketing strategy.

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