3 Tips to Get the Right Price When Selling Your Car

When it comes to car ownership there are two types of people. Those that are very knowledgeable about the cars. They spend enormous amount of time and effort in everyday upkeep of their cars and also stay up-to-date with the latest news about cars. Then there are those who consider car as a mode of transportation that gets them from point A to point B. Event this second group of people should possess basic knowledge about cars to ensure they are not getting ripped when buying, maintaining or selling their cars. Fortunately, internet can help you get that knowledge as shown in the tips below.

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How to Use Candlestick Charts to Recognize Market Trends

Candlestick Chart
Candlestick charts are staple of stock market pros. They have been used widely since the 19th century when they were developed in Japan. Steve Nison is credited with bringing these charts to the West. Financial investors use from all walks of life use them to trade stocks, futures, commodities, currencies and so on. Read any financial newspaper or visit a financial website and you are likely to see candlestick charts put to use to display daily, weekly or monthly variation in price. Reading and understanding Candlestick charts takes some time, but with the proper training and understanding you can put them to good use to decipher complex patterns and make buy-sell decisions.

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How to Reduce Equipment Downtime during Harvest Season

In some fields, farmers have a month or two to get in their year’s yield. In others, that time is reduced to a couple weeks. No matter what harvest timeframe farmers fall victim to, the fact remains that the sooner they can bring in the harvest, the sooner they can see the profits of their endeavors. Every setback during harvest season is significant indeed.

The most common cause of forced downtime is machinery malfunction, which can leave a famer’s crop blowing in the wind for days on end. Therefore, the easiest way to make the most of harvest season is to ensure one’s equipment is in peak condition. Here are six solutions to help farmers properly maintain their machinery so they can truly reap what they sew.

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What Options Are Available to Get into Business Yourself

Maybe you grew up helping your parents in their own corner store. Maybe you genuinely love customer service. Perhaps you make something super awesome and you want to build a business around it. Whatever the reason, you want to have your own business, but you’re not sure where to start. Here are some tips on various options available to you to start the business and how to get there.

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6 Less Tangible Benefits of Shared Offices for Start-ups

Shared Office
Everyone knows how cheap, flexible and convenient shared offices are for start-ups. Many fledgling companies leave incubators and go into a shared, serviced office as it’s the next step towards that huge company HQ (or at least a long-term lease). The size, short notice periods and built-in equipment and utilities are known benefits, but there are just as many “soft” advantages to shared office spaces.

Some people might think it sounds a bit frat-like, and wonder if any work ever gets done. Of course it does, but there’s lots of fun too.

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3 Essential Practices Guide Successful Money Managers

Money Manager
Keeping up with personal financial matters can be an intimidating prospect, especially for those who may lack training and confidence managing money. Fortunately, time and experience give young money managers the tools to learn and execute sensible financial moves. And though the task may appear complex, successful personal financial management is based upon a few straightforward practices.

Individual financial strategies are drafted according to personal income, monetary goals, outstanding debt, and future earning potential. Though it is hard to forecast financial conditions years down the road, beginning to plan at a young age sets the stage for financial health and security. For the best outcomes, use three important principles to guide your financial development.

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What the Best Merchandising Pros Do (and You Should Too)

Retail Store
Most small businesses want to avoid falling into the “me-too” category. They want to do something different and be unique. And that’s understandable. But too many businesses take this sort of thinking so far. They reject things that the market has been doing for years because they work. And instead, they prefer to go their own way. The result is that they end up missing out on sales and profits.

Merchandising is one of those areas where you really don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Doing what the pros do is the best way to succeed and attract shoppers to your small business. And there are certain things that they swear by. Let’s take a look.

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How Can Team Building Activities Help Businesses Grow

Team Building
Many of us have either participated in or led team building activities in our professional career at some point. Some of those activities may have been very straightforward and short such as playing a game of “two truths and a lie” or “find your way out.” Others could be very intense and may have spanned over multiple days such as climbing a peak or going on a long hike. No matter what the duration or type of activity, it is well-known that team building can help improve communication and employee morale, leading to a better business environment overall.

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4 Important Team Building Tips for Small Business

Team Building
Employees are the lifeblood of any business and investing in your workforce will ensure you have the skills to drive your company forward. Team building is an integral part of this, enabling you to ensure employees are working towards the same goals as you and identify areas for improvement. However, in the commotion of a typical working day, training staff can often get left by the wayside. After all, planning the agenda and finding a suitable location can be difficult (Find out more about a great training venue here). Yet failing to properly develop your team could impact upon your business’ output and ability to retain staff over the long-term. Here are a few reasons why it is important to focus on team building.

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Tweets are Getting Longer, But Does It Really Change Anything?

Recently, Twitter announced one of its biggest changes to the platform – more characters. We don’t know when this will happen, but we can bet that it’ll be before the end of 2016. The move will shake up a platform built for SMS messages before the iPhone even existed.

Now in its 10th year, Twitter has 310 million active users. It’s been used to start revolutions, mourn the passing of icons, and share cat videos. Despite a decline in use by the original founders, marketers still turn to the platform for B2B and B2C.

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