How to Use Promotional Merchandise for Cost Effective Marketing

Promotional Products
If you have visited a trade show or conference you must be familiar with promotional merchandise that businesses distribute to the attendees. At the end of the day you will likely end up with a bag full of pens, key chains, flash drives, mugs and so on. The reason for their popularity is obvious. If done right promotional merchandise can help you raise brand awareness and promote your business during the show, but more importantly, keeps your business in front of their eyes long after the trade show is over. The key to success for this approach is to make sure you choose the right product and ensure it will have usefulness in everyday life. Below we share secrets to getting the most out of your promotions.

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5 Tips for Building Brand Awareness at a Trade Show

The return you get from attending the trade show is dependent on how much effort you put in it. Attending a tradeshow can be very expensive. In addition to registration fees you also have to spend significant money on travel, hotel and other activities during the tradeshow. You need to justify that expense by earning new business. The return you get out of tradeshows is dependent on the effort you put in it. Here are some tips to help you make the time you spend promoting at a tradeshow worth the effort and investment.

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How Online Collaboration Can Help Business and the Environment

Businesspeople Looking At Computer Screen
Even if the grubby money hungry hounds in corporate don’t believe climate change is real, taking positive action can be extremely profitable – to the planet and your business. In this article, I’m going to talk about how building a corporate structure around sustainability can be lucrative, because when going green puts more green in wallets they’ll listen to the science. From utilising online collaboration tools to downscaling on office space and reducing costs, here are some of the ways businesses can prosper from greenification.

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3 Tips to Conduct Large Corporate Events without Hiccups

Conducting large corporate events can be very stressful. Just talk to anyone who has been in charge of managing this type of large events and he will tell you how many sleepless nights he has spent leading up to the day of the event. There are literally hundreds of tasks to take care of some months in advance and others right up to the event day itself. You also have to work under number of constraints some of which may be in direct conflict with each other. Just when you think you have everything under control, Mother Nature may decide to rain on your parade.

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A Better Way to Organize Corporate Organization Structure

Org Chart
For as long as corporations have existed they have been organized in more or less hierarchical structure. Typically the line workers report to a supervisors, who reports to a manager, eventually leading all the way to the top executive running the company – CEO. This generally worked very well in the corporations that came out of industrial revolution.

With the rise of technology and start-ups this organization structure is being increasingly questioned. Many companies, such as Zappos, GitHub, and other start-ups are ditching this hierarchical organization structure in search of better way of working that will enable collaboration and innovation that is at the heart of these companies. Below we describe several options that have sprung up in recent times. Not all of them may be suitable everyone. You should consider the pros and cons of each and find the one that is most appropriate that will help you achieve your goal.

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Why Your Business Should Provide Tuition Reimbursement Benefits to Employees

Employee benefits can be double edged sword. On one hand, it costs businesses lot of money, but on the other hand they can generate loyalty and improve employee performance. The key to succeeding at this is making sure you implement properly and generate good return on investment. Tuition reimbursement is one such benefit that can help businesses of all types attract good employees and retain them eventually helping businesses grow. Granted, it costs significant money to implement tuition reimbursement program with the rising cost of college in the U.S., but if you manage it properly you can get significant tangible and intangible benefits from it.

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What is Different about Managing Millennial Employees

Portrait of smiling business colleagues
Millennials passed Generation X in the first quarter of 2015 to become the largest share of the American workforce, according to the Pew Research Center’s analysis. They represent 34% of the total workforce in the U.S. Millennials are defined as those individuals who were born between 1981 and 1997, which makes them between 19 and 34 years of age – a prime employment age. There are approximately 53.5 million millennials in the U.S.

The size of the millennial workforce itself is a force to be reckoned with, but in addition to size, their style of working also poses challenges for the business leaders who are no familiar with this generation. This generation is not like their parents. They value different things in life. They have their own ideas about how business should be conducted and they have their unique working style. All these factors combine to make it seem like today’s business leader will never be able to manage them well.

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How Can Your Business Benefit from Analytics

SEO and analysis
Data analytics has taken the business community by storm recently. The rise of powerful computers as well as the amount and variety of data being generated has helped businesses of all types and sizes gather insight into many aspects of their business like never before. These days Google and Amazon can tell you what you will need or where you are likely to go for vacation even before you know it. When done right analytics can help your business grow sales and improve efficiency significantly.

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8 Organisation Tips to Transform Your Office

For some people a cluttered office is a sign that they are working very hard. Nothing could be further from truth. A cluttered office reduces your productivity significantly. Researchers have found that people who keep their workspace well-organized are able to improve their productivity significantly by being able to find things quickly, respond to customers fast and keeping unwanted distractions to a minimum. That is why experts are continuously at work to find ways to organize the office and everyday life and come up with tools to help you achieve efficiency. Below we have come up with 8 tips to help you get closer to that goal.

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Why You Should Consider Using VPN for Accessing Internet

Cloud Computing Concept
Internet has become as ubiquitous as electricity these days. Anyone who does not have access to internet stands to lose a great deal in their everyday business. You can get access to customers, vendors and host of other information at your fingertip within seconds. While internet can provide all these great benefits it can also hurt you at the same time if you are not careful. Anyone who has experienced security breach and lost data can vouch for this. The primary reason for this is the public and open nature of internet. Internet was built on open standards, so anyone with a little bit of technical knowhow has the ability to tap into this network and not only watch the data traffic as it flows through it but also gain access to sensitive data such as passwords. That is why anyone who cares about privacy should consider using VPN when accessing internet.

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