How Does Office Décor Impact Your Small Business

Office Decor
The décor of your office says a lot about your business, just like the appearance of a person says a lot about him or her. When interviewing a candidate for a job would you hire someone who looks disheveled and is not dressed appropriately? I didn’t think so. Then why would a client hire your services if your office looks decrepit. How the office looks from outside and inside impacts how your clients perceive your business and how much business you get from them. I have come across several clients who decided against hiring a lawyer or an accountant after they visited their office that looked awful. So how can you improve the office décor, and in turn your business?

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3 Step Approach to Online Marketing for Industry Products

Online Marketing
While the disciplines may share at least some of the same principles, there are many crucial differences between B2B and B2C marketing. One of the main challenges facing B2B marketers is the task of selling functional or uninspiring products to professional buyers, in an environment where conventional marketing techniques hold little value.

The process becomes even more challenging when selling these products online, as your prospective clients cannot touch the merchandise or interact with a knowledgeable salesman. With this in mind, you will need to think strategically if you are to successfully engage professional buyers and sell your industry goods.

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3 Successful Tactics to Get Your Startup Booming

We all stand in awe of the successful startup. The path from zero to a thriving business appears almost magical to outsiders – the founders were once regular working Joes and then, a short time later, they are entrepreneurial rock stars running some of the largest firms.

Many business owners do not fully understand how to progress from zero to booming, but there are specific things that successful entrepreneurs do to grow their firms that we all can learn from. Below, we will discuss 3 tactics you can deploy to propel your startup business!

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Is Your Business Achieving Ultimate Efficiency?

What is ultimate efficiency? It’s a theoretical business model that we’re sure no business on the market is currently achieving. Ultimate efficiency would mean that in your company, you wouldn’t be wasting any time or money. Your model would be completely productive with a high output, easy savings and massive profits. However, the fact that no one is currently achieving this level of efficiency doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to work towards it. You should constantly be looking at ways to make your business more effective and efficient. Let’s start by examining the issue of time wastage.

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25 Best Work from Home Jobs of 2016

Work from Home
Many people dream of being an entrepreneur. At the same time they are turned off by the demand that entrepreneur lifestyle puts on them. The stress of building the business from ground up, need to travel around the country to build customer base takes lot of toll on their person lives. However, there is a middle ground that can help balance the personal life with entrepreneurship. Many work from home jobs do not have as much stress as full-blown entrepreneurship and you can still earn decent income and build respectable business. Our friends at Multiple Streams have done a fabulous job of identifying 25 best work from home jobs. Click here to find out what they are and get details on how to go about starting one.

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5 Reasons Small Businesses Should Use Live Video

Video Chat
In the past decade, live video chat has become another part of everyday life. There are multiple video-chat brands enjoying huge success today, and the video communications platform-as-a-service (PaaS) industry’s revenue is expected to reach $1.7bn by 2020,

The concept of speaking with another person face to face using video technology was the stuff of science-fiction for years, appearing in everything from the writings of Philip K. Dick to James Cameron’s classic movie Aliens. Today, though, we can simply hop onto our choice of video-chat platform to enjoy real-time conversations with people from around the world.

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Product Review: MindSalt – Time Tracking and Project Management Software

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A new member in the growing market for time tracking and project management software, MindSalt offers an all-in-one solution for small to midsize businesses. Users can track timesheets, report expenses, and manage projects using MindSalt’s online interface.

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Is it Possible to Start a Small Business on a Budget?

Many would be entrepreneurs think that it takes a lot of money and courage to start a small business. They held back by this belief and wait for the right moment to come. Nothing could be further from truth. Starting a small business on a budget is not only possible, but your fellow business owners and entrepreneurs are doing it every single day. Obviously, you are going to need money, but the question you’ll want to know is how much and, unfortunately, I can’t help you with a figure because every industry is completely different and they all come with a range of different costs. But I can provide you with valuable tips that will help you get there. Continue reading to find out what they are.

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How can You Improve Content Outreach Strategy

In recent years, an engaging content strategy has been an absolutely essential part of any successful marketing campaign. However, only around thirty percent of marketers say that the content marketing efforts that they use are effective. Thankfully, there are now thousands of leaders in the industry who share their expertise in this area online. They work hard in order to cultivate relationships and maintain a position as an authority voice. Connecting with these people will help your brand to tap into the power of influencer marketing – a strategy which goes hand-in-hand with content marketing.

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4 Things You Must Look for in Mortgage Broker before Hiring

Taking the first step onto the property ladder is a big move in any person’s life, so it is important that you do not rush when deciding about it. Read up about mortgages as much as you can as there are lots of websites with plenty of useful information, such as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website. When you know the type of mortgage you require, you will then need to find a reliable and trustworthy broker to help you make that first step.

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