How is GPS Technology Impacting Today’s Businesses

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Mobile Phone GPS
While consumer applications of GPS technology usually dominate the headlines, it’s the business applications that have transformed the ability of organizations to compete, whether they are small businesses or multinational corporations.

Once, you may have paid several hundred dollars for a single GPS unit to provide directions and traffic reports. Today, emboldened by decreasing costs and increasing power, GPS comes with everything from smartphones to route plan systems.

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7 Easy Ways to Get Your Small Business Up and Running


If you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business and being your own boss, you may be daunted by the amount of red tape and hassle it takes to begin your own venture. You may not want to deal with filling out the paperwork, renting out a business space, hiring employees, and other expensive steps that are necessary for some new companies. If you’re not sure your business idea is going to be a hit, it’s tricky to take that risk. It can also be expensive. Instead, try one of these easy, inexpensive small business ideas to start creating income.

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4 Etiquette to Keep in Mind When Attending an Online Business Meeting

Years of practice and experience will likely have already taught you the correct etiquette and customs to use during meetings to make them successful. Online conferences through video software are a relatively new phenomenon, but one that has been proven to be so useful and productive that it has already dominated the workplace in just a few short years. While many of the same basic principles apply to these online meetings, there are still some pieces of etiquette to keep in mind that work differently when talking online. It is a good idea to pick up these habits early so that they become second nature and don’t negatively affect you in the future. Here are just a few things to keep in mind during your next meeting:

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3 Marketing Myths Small Businesses Must Avoid

Regardless of what point in your business journey you are at, marketing is one of the most important elements that should be at the top of your agenda. It’s the key to recruiting new customers, and can play an integral role in maintaining the loyalty of existing ones too.

However, many entrepreneurs have picked up ideas about the subject that aren’t necessarily true. Unfortunately, following those rules could be damaging your hopes of maximized profits. So drop everything you think you know; this is how you’ll gain greater success.

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How Alternative Commute Options Can Benefit Your Business

As a business owner, you are constantly making decisions which will help to ensure optimum levels of productivity and keep your employees satisfied at work. Supporting different commute options for your employees can be a great way to help keep your business thriving by improving productivity, reducing stress, saving money, helping the environment and even making a contribution to the local community. Business owners and employers actually have a lot more to gain than they may realise when it comes to supporting transportation options for their workforce. Helping your employees to find alternative commute options rather than racking up more mileage for their vehicles can help to reduce pollution, improve employee health and well-being, and reduce traffic congestion.

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5 Ways to Save on Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers Comp
In today’s business climate successful businesses have to take advantage of every way they can to lower expenses.  Commercial insurance is one of the largest fixed costs most businesses incur. In most states workers’ compensation and general liability are required by law for most businesses.  Many business owners look at these policies as a tax.  That they are not going to change much from year to year and there is not much they can do to lower what they pay. This is far from the truth. There are many ways businesses can lower what they pay in premium for commercial insurance. Here are five easy steps that any business can take to lower what they pay for commercial insurance.

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6 Startup Clichés You Should Avoid to Succeed in Long-term

Startups are inherently risky. If you strike it rich you can be next Jeff Bezos. On the other hand there is equal, probably more, probability of your startup shutting doors after few years. One reason many of them end up this way has to do with the founders not paying attention to the right things and instead going after frivolous items that don’t help them in the long-term. They chase what I term certain clichés that look good on surface, but ends up hurting them. So how do you avoid being another startup that ends up in the dumpster. Read on to learn those clichés and how to avoid them.

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How to Choose the Perfect Van for Your Business Transportation Needs

When it comes to business transportation for small business owners a van is their best ally. A van that is of the right size and with appropriate characteristic can alleviate number of issues for them. No wonder many of them spend considerable amount in custom fitting their vans. The first task for anyone looking for a van is to understand what type of van is suitable for them. This is, however, easier said than done. You need to consider number of criteria such as size and type of payload, cost, accessories needed, etc. before finding a perfect match. The Infographic below provides a great guidance in choosing a perfect van for your business.

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How can Small Business Owners Protect Their Business with Latest Cameras

Video Surveillance Camera
There have been a lot of upgrades in the security camera business over the past decade or so.  Part of that is because advanced cameras were developed for recent wars- and then the capabilities that they possessed were ported to the civilian version as time went on. Owners who wish to install cameras in their business therefore have several directions that they can move in to upgrade.  Here are some of the top current choices:

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Pros and Cons of Being “Up In the Cloud”

Cloud computing has become a buzzword in recent times similar to what internet was a decade ago. Businesses large and small are jumping on that bandwagon like there is no tomorrow. The IT service providers are also moving at a rapid pace to develop the cloud computing functionality and offer it at the lowest possible price to their customers. But is cloud computing all the hype without any substance. Looking at the adoption by businesses it doesn’t appear to be. Sure there are pros and cons of using cloud based system over tradition IT infrastructure. Below we explain what they are and how you can take advantage of the latest phenomenon known as cloud.

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