Everything You Need to Know about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall

In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Samsung has announced a recall of Galaxy Note7 devices purchased before September 15, 2016. These devices pose a safety risk to consumers because the battery can overheat and cause personal injury or damage to property. As a result, it’s important that everyone who owns an affected Note7 device exchange it immediately. If you need help mitigating issues related to the exchange of your Note7, we have some answers that may help.

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Impact of Motion Control Systems on Various Industries

Significant amount of the scientific and technological advances achieved by humanity in the modern world was made possible by automation and the existence of precision motion control systems.

Automation is a progeny of early feedback control technologies that developed during the Industrial Revolution. It reached new heights during the Digital Age, when computer technologies began enhancing its capabilities. Today automatic processes are typically achieved with the help of motion control systems that integrate these information and networking technologies—truly smart machines for the modern era.

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Breaking the Bank: The Real Cost of Breaks at Work

Research shows that taking break from work can enhance employee productivity. When you are working on a complex problem for number of hours just moving away from your desk and into the field can spur creativity and bring new ideas. That is why companies like Google and others have built offices that encourage employees to move away from their desk and “play” for a little while to take their mind away.

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Will Your Business be Ready when Disaster Strikes?

In today’s globalized world, it’s all too easy to imagine disaster striking at the heart of your business. Take a moment to mull over some of the scares we’ve had recently that could derail your business. Last year, Computer Weekly reported on the distinct chance that we could see a new flu pandemic. Global terrorism in the summer of 2016 targeted two-dozen different countries, including the US. Flooding destroyed thousands of homes and businesses in Louisiana. And wildfires are still ravaging parts of California.

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Does Your Startup Need a Financial Advisor?

Starting a new business is always exciting. The economy is growing at a steady rate, which means your startup is enjoying more businesses and getting bigger by the day. At some point, however, you may need to start thinking about your startup’s finances and whether you need a financial advisor.

So, does your startup need a financial advisor? The answer is most definitely a big YES. We are going to take a look at how an experienced financial advisor can help your startup grow at a healthy rate and reach new heights.

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Why CFD Trading is Getting More Popular

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Thinking of trading in CFDs? You are not alone. In today’s market, any determined, ambitious and patient person can trade securities, either as a part-time job or as a full-time broker. CFD trading is becoming more popular by the season, with people developing careers and professions from it. Some people have perfected their trading skills such that it has turned out so successful for them; they would rather not do anything else.

The contract for difference (CFD) is an agreement between a seller and a buyer demanding that a seller pays the buyer the difference between an asset’s current value and its value during contract time. If the gap in question is negative, then the buyer has to pay the seller.

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10 Types of Insurance Small Business Owners Must Consider

Small businesses contribute greatly to a country’s economy. In the U.S., for instance, data from the U.S. Census Bureau showed that the number of small businesses has risen by 49 percent since 1982. Today, many individuals and groups continue to set up businesses targeting the local and international market.

Starting a business of any type requires the proper legal documents and insurance to ensure that everything is legitimate and your business is protected from various risks.

Being knowledgeable about the different types of insurance is a must. Here are 10 of them you need to consider regardless of the size of your business.

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4 Unconventional Ways to Raise Cash in an Emergency

For small business owners cash flow is king. They do not have large line of credit or other ways of easily accessing the cash. Many times they will find themselves in a crunch situation when vendors are waiting at the door for the payment and you are not able to get the cash from your customers fast enough. You may need to resort to unconventional methods to get that short-term cash quickly. One of the ways to do it is by selling or putting away gold or other high value items as collateral in the hope that you will be able to pay back that short-term loan quickly. Here are 4 ways to quickly raise the cash you need by selling valuable items.

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Can Your Small Business Ever Become Next Amazon?

It’s no big secret that Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. The e-commerce giant started out life as a small website that just sold a few books. Today, you can go on the Amazon website and buy just about anything! Yes, they still sell books. But, you can also get electronics, homewares, even food!

Jeff Bezos, the guy behind Amazon, is worth around $66.9 billion. And all that from a small e-commerce website founded back in 1994. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. Amazon got established during the Web’s infancy. There’s no way anyone could start an e-commerce store and topple Amazon today! Or, is there?

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Benefits of Employee Engagement

Half of adults have left a job to get away from their manager at some point in their career, according to a Gallup survey. And since 2000, when Gallup first began measuring employee engagement, less than one-third of Americans are engaged in their jobs in any given year.

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