What Happens When a Business Goes into Foreclosure?

Running a business always has its risks. What matters is being aware of these risks right from the start and finding ways to avoid them moving forward.

One of the most common issues that business organizations often encounter is in the financial arena. When funds are not properly managed and the expenses become greater than the cash coming in, there’s bound to be a problem. And if this is not resolved sooner, a company can go into debt or worse, become a subject of foreclosure.

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Is Direct Mail Marketing Still Useful in the Digital Age? (Hint Yes!)

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With the number of headlines devoted to digital marketing, and email marketing in particular, you would assume that the traditional direct mail and door drop marketing provides no value these days. You may be led to believe that businesses of all types have stopped using direct marketing and moved exclusively to digital era. Nothing could be further from truth! While there is a shift to email marketing in recent times, traditional direct marketing is alive and well, albeit with reduced volume. Let me provide some data to back up that claim and show why businesses still prefer to use direct marketing.

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4 Useful Tips to Follow When Applying for Installment Loan

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Long-term personal loans or installment loans can come in handy if you need a considerably large sum of money but you don’t have or don’t want to deposit collateral as a guarantee. Term loans or installment loans are useful if you want money to start a business, pursue higher education, go on a trip, or for a renovation of your home or business.

These loans are consumer-friendly despite the fact that the rate of interest is generally higher than loans which require collateral because these loans are predictable. The money you have to pay per installment is small and you get a considerably longer period of time to repay than a short-term loan.

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5 Tips to Reduce Travel Expense in Small Business

Travel is one of the highest discretionary spend for many small business owners. It is also one of the spend items that you cannot skimp on either. You have to let employees travel to meet with customers, attend conferences and find prospects. There is only so much you can accomplish via phone or video conference. While there is no way to avoid travel there are ways in which you can reduce the travel expense without sacrificing your business. Below we share 5 tips to help you achieve that goal.

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4 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Must Monitor Online Reviews

“Writers … fall into two groups: those who bleed copiously and visibly at any bad review, and those who bleed copiously and secretly at any bad review.” Isaac Asimov specified writers in this famous quote, but his words could apply to business owners as well. You might be too emotionally attached to read what Yelpers are saying about your brainchild, but someone in your business needs to keep an eye on review sites. Explore four reasons why you shouldn’t ignore those online reviewers.

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Should You Hire Job Applicants with Criminal Records?

The question of hiring applicants with a criminal record is at times a tricky one for employers, especially for small business owners who are not guided by human resources policies that bigger corporations follow. Hiring ex-cons present conflicting approaches. On one hand, there is an implicit bias against them in general. Then again, our charitable nature prods us to give them a second chance at redeeming themselves. Further, federal and state laws protect job applicants with criminal records from discrimination by employers.

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How a Transportable Building Can Transform Your Work Environment

Walk by a construction area or building site and you will usually see transportable buildings in and around the entrance. These are usually used as offices for the foremen and project managers or meeting rooms, or bathrooms in some cases. If you’re going to be doing a building project, need some extra temporary storage space, a classroom, meeting rooms, or even accommodation, you might want to consider getting yourself a transportable building.

Here are a few reasons investing in one or more transportable buildings is a great idea for your next project:

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3 Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Billionaires

They say money can’t buy happiness, but that doesn’t stop many of us from daydreaming about raking in the big bucks and living the life of a billionaire. As a small business owner, your first billion dollars can seem a long way away. However, following the advice of the entrepreneurs that came before you can give you the best chance of living the high life in the future.

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Small Business Owners: Are You Looking After Your Money Carefully?

Money in the bank is everything to small businesses. If you don’t have enough cash, you will experience cash flow problems which could hold up some of your operations. You also need plenty of money to help the business grow and develop. Not only that, though, but it is also useful to have plenty in the bank if you ever hit a rocky patch.

But even though money it acutely important to small businesses, there are still some who aren’t looking after theirs as well as they should. Here are some of the ways various small businesses regularly put their money at risk.

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Google vs. Uber – The Epic Self Driving Car War

Imagine a world where everyone can get from point A to point B regardless of their ability to drive. Imagine if people can get around whether they own a car or not. Elderly people who have poor eyesight and cannot get a driver’s license anymore can still go out in the car. In the past, these things were figments of our imagination. Now, they are possibilities that have turned into realities thanks to self-driving vehicles.

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