Starting a Business? Don’t Forget About Your Employees!

Your new business venture can feel awfully lonely and empty if you don’t staff it with the right team members. Unless you have a business idea that can be solely run by yourself and the help of freelancers, you are going to need some employees. In fact, if you haven’t already gathered some interest from internet and local job listings, then you’re going a bit too fast with your new startup and you need to slow down before you crash and burn.

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5 Data Security Mistakes Startups Cannot Afford to Make

Regardless of industry, company size or future goals, startups must never overlook the importance of data security. Most successful companies in today’s world, including the majority of startups, have a strong online presence. For this reason, there’s always the risk of a data breach. By pinpointing the top data security mistakes, every startup can position itself to avoid this type of trouble in the future.

Here are five data security mistakes to avoid at all costs:

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Tips for Selling Your Property on a Budget

If you ask someone how much you could sell your place for, they would probably say you would profit from it. But is that enough? What if you could strengthen the impressive features of your property and ultimately increase its value. That is one way to get more for your place.

The problem usually with up-scaling a property or making it look more pristine lies in not having enough money to invest in its staging. Sure, you decide that you are going to carry out the property staging yourself to save money, but did you consider the renovations and changes would ultimately mean your costs are higher and therefore you would not be profiting as much as you hoped from the sale.

Here is how you prepare your home for a sale on a budget.

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Top 10 Small Business Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2017

2016 was an eventful year to say the least. The presidential election in the U.S. brought in a new leader in Washington and with him a very different approach to government policy and business regulation. Donald Trump has already started to make his presence felt in the first week. If that is any indication 2017 will be an eventful year for small businesses for sure.

As a small business owner it behooves you keep an eye on the trends that will impact your business. Not only will it help you avoid getting into trouble, but also position your business for the future growth. So what trends do we expect to see in 2017? Here are the top 10 from my viewpoint.

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4 Tips for Getting Your Startup’s Prototype off the Ground

Whether you already have a thriving startup or have just been inspired by the most recent episode of the hit show Shark Tank, many people today are interested in making a prototype. Easy access to the internet, modern technology and training means that there really is a market out there for even niche products — and innovators are ready to fulfill that demand. But the logistics needed to actually manufacture a prototype — not to mention the strategy needed to do so properly — are still not always easy.

But have no fear. By following a few basic tips, you can be sure to start turning your idea into reality.

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Set Up Your Business for the Long Run with Effective Marketing

Starting a business is a thrilling endeavor for every new business owners. Once all the paperwork is done, the business plan is set and the doors finally open, many breathe a sigh of relief. Knowledgeable business owners know that the real work in starting a new business is getting your first customers, though, and getting them to come back.

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How to Control Operating Cost in Your Business

In business, the operating cost matters a lot. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, and you probably agonised over every single penny you spent in the infancy of your business. However, as the operation grows, and you have to worry about more and more factors, it becomes progressively harder to keep tabs on the amount of money you spend. Here, I’ve listed our best tips on reducing your costs as you scale your business.

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4 Reasons You Should Move Your Company Premises

In between all the other concerns that a small business man have, whether to move premises or not is typically not high up on the priority list. However, this doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be on the agenda when you’re thinking about your company’s future. In fact, there are many reasons why a move might be beneficial. If your current offices are looking a bit shabby, you might just want to cast your eye out across the neighborhood and see what else is out there.

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3 Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Employee Engagement

Employee engagement has an impact on everything from productivity to employee retention to morale. A variety of studies have found that highly engaged workplaces have 20% or higher productivity and profits per employee than those that don’t. Let’s look at three ways companies can improve their employee engagement.

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How to Produce Great Promotional Videos for Your Business

Video is one of the most powerful ways to market to huge numbers of people. If you approach this marketing strategy in the right way, it has the potential to generate new business like no other marketing methods can. However, if you produce poor quality videos, it can affect your business’s reputation and it could cost you a lot of money in the long run. This is why you should be aware of the tips below, so that every promotional video you create from now on is a success.

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