What Does Your Business Need to Know about Protective Equipment to Avoid Accidents

If you run your own business, the likeliness of you knowing about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is quite high. Last year, the PPE Directive 89/686/EEC4 was replaced by the Regulation 2016/425 in a bid to improve health and safety at work.

However, a lot of managers will be trying to find out how this will impact them — especially if they operate both solely in the UK or within the European Union. Opposed to the former directive, the new regulation is a binding legislative act that must be applied in its entirety across the EU without requiring separate national legislation.

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7 Questions Business Owners Should Ask Before Switching to LPG

Running an off-grid company will see you face commercial pressures in the same way as any other business. There is a great deal of pressure on your shoulders to reduce overheads, keep an eye on profit margins, improve efficiencies and stick to the increasingly stringent carbon reduction targets.

This is where choosing the correct energy supply is important. In the UK, an average small business (with 10-49 employees) spends a staggering £19k a year on gas and electricity – so securing the very best off-grid, commercial energy source and deal couldn’t be more vital to your bottom line.

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4 Things You Must Consider Before Moving Your Business to New Premises

Who knows what new heights of growth, prosperity and productivity 2019 will bring for your business? You may well find that this is a transitional year for you. A year in which you outgrow the limitations of your current business model, throw out the rule book and rewrite a new one as you go along. This can be extremely exciting and liberating… It can also be kind of scary! As you take baby steps down the path to sustainable growth you may feel like a novice all over again, grappling with the inherent challenges of growth like you’re still a year one entrepreneur.

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An Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Garage Door for Your Business

A garage door is an important part of your home or business. It not only protects your home or business from intruders, but also provides comfort and convenience. There are many different types of garage doors in the market, each with unique advantages. Choosing the right on that first your needs, comfort and style is an important before making the decision. The guide below provides details on eight types of garage doors along with their unique advantages to help you find the right one.

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3 Advantages of Buying Used CNC Machines

Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) machinery is essential to boosting workflow, amplifying productivity, and driving a business’s profits and expansion. They streamline the entire manufacturing process, often hinging an entire company’s manufacturing ability on the performance and reliability of its CNC machines.

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4 Biggest Inventory Management Challenges Businesses Face and How to Overcome Them

Companies regularly face all sorts of challenges, and how you combat them is going to have a lasting impact on whether you can stay in business or not. Inventory management might not be something that comes to the forefront of your mind when you think about such obstacles, yet if you fail to conduct such management properly, you can quickly find yourself in serious trouble. You may find yourself needing to have a look at Techfino’s Netsuite buyers guide or a similar cloud-based solution. Here are four of the most substantial challenges that often come up in the realm of inventory management.

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5 Important Tips to Protect Industrial Machinery and Equipment

In many industrial operations, products can incur damages in different ways. Your machinery or products can be damaged in improbable ways and you’re left dumb, no idea on what to do especially when you’re broke. Such incidents get you off guard and you feel so overwhelmed. This shouldn’t worry you! It’s easy!

All you need to do is learn how to maintain your machinery to prevent such damages. And how do you do this? Once you have your machinery guidelines, read through them and make sure you apply appropriately. It may sound boring, but just read through the outlined guidelines to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s guide.

Below are basic ways you can prevent your automated equipment and machinery from getting damaged.

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The Buyer’s Guide to Fiberglass Reinforced Products

Fiberglass reinforced products offer several crucial benefits for many projects. They’re strong yet lightweight, and they can be used for even medical and marine projects. They have insulating properties, resistant to corrosion and other chemicals, and have a high impact tolerance.

But how do you go about buying the right type of fiberglass reinforced products? To help you out, here’s a simple guideline you can consult:

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8 Tips for Making a Successful Office Move

Moving into a new office space is almost as complicated as moving home. There’s lots of furniture, utilities to disconnect and reconnect at the other end, ornaments, box files and all manner of artifacts. Plus, when you’re moving house you often take a couple of days off work and your colleagues fill in for you. When you’re moving offices, all your colleagues are moving too! Do you shut down ops for a few days or try to keep things ticking along as best you can?

Here’s how to make a successful move with the minimum of disruption.

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3 Tips to Take Your Business Efficiency to the Next Level

For those who run a business, you will understand the importance of making sure it runs as efficiently as possible. This is because the level of efficiency of a company could have a direct impact on how smoothly it runs and how quickly it grows. To improve efficiency, you may have to change a few of your processes and implement new ones. Often, it requires a mix of technology and knowledge to find what will be useful in your company. Below, you’re going to find out a few simple ways that you can improve business efficiency.

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