5 Important Tips to Run a Successful Online Business

In this day and age you don’t even need a business to have physical premises to be successful. Your website is your storefront. Your product pages your shelves. Everything can be done through virtual space. Look at companies like Amazon, then others like Uber. All have made huge world dominating companies that operate only in the online space. There’s no reason you can’t follow suit. No reason you can’t emulate huge success stories and forge your own path in the online world. That’s not to say it is easy. In fact, running an online business is extremely hard and taxing.

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5 Ways to Promote Employee Satisfaction and Motivation

If you own a business, you will know that your employees are right at its heart. Without the loyal and hard-working people in your workforce, your business would be very difficult to run. As an entrepreneur, ensuring that your employees are happy, satisfied and motivated in the workplace should be a main priority. Here are some fun, interesting and useful ideas to help you achieve a workforce filled with happy, loyal and productive employees.

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The Right Way, and The Wrong Way, to Motivate Employees

Businesses that fail to move forward ultimately fail. Without progress, productivity, and power packed into every workday, no matter what else a company has going for it, success will prove elusive. The best way to ensure a sustained momentum in your organization is to motivate your employees to press harder toward excellence.

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6 Tips to Redesign Office Workspace for Employee Well Being

Every year, we learn more about the dangers of sedentary work routines. People in offices, for instance, are significantly more likely to take time off with back problems than those who spend the day on their feet. This is contrary to what most of us assume.

After all, wouldn’t standing up all day indeed put a heavier strain on the body? Well, in reality, the spine is aligned when standing, and there is less pressure on the lower back. It is when sitting at a desk that we noticeably slouch, slump, and curve our spines to fit mismatched furniture.

The good news is that business owners can introduce small changes which have an enormous impact on employee health, mood, and well-being. Keep reading to find out more.

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5 Ways to Become More Environmentally Friendly Business

Reputation is everything when you run a business. If you have a bad one, it will lead to a whole host of negative issues. However, a good reputation can help drive your business forwards and help you gain more customers.

As such, building a good reputation is key, and there are many ways to do this. One of the best ways is to make your business more environmentally friendly. Doing this improves public perception of your company and can also lead to additional benefits. So, here are five easy ways you can become a more environmentally friendly business:

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How a Local Car Insurance Agent Can Enhance Online Search for a Policy

There are some decisions in life that need to be weighed carefully when it comes to caring for yourself, your family, and your possessions, and one of those decisions is which car insurance company to choose. There are dozens of companies to pick from; however, when it comes to saving money, one factor you should consider before you buy is whether your company can offer you the assistance of a local insurance agent along with offering online services. Agents like this can help you understand your policy, explain discounts, and much more.

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5 Reasons Why Your Employees Need to be Better Public Speakers

Public speaking is said to be the biggest fear for most people. For your employees, however, it doesn’t have to be. There is no debate that communication is essential for successful business. Yet, many struggle to “find their voice.”

In a recent survey by an online presentation platform, 70% of employed people agreed that public speaking skills are critical for their success at work. But, in this same study, 20% of people also stated that they would do anything to avoid presenting. This included pretending to be ill or asking a co-worker to give it instead.

If public speaking is so important in a business setting, why is it such a burden for employees?

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5 Business Insurance Myths, Busted

If you want to own and run a business, at some point, you’ll have to take out business insurance. Not only is it a necessity from a financial perspective, more often than not it’s the law. The problem is that the insurance market can be rather difficult to navigate, especially if being a CEO is new to you.

This complexity has meant that a lot of myths have crept into the business insurance market. Today, we’re going to bust some of those myths so that you can get the insurance you need.

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Give Your Business the Competitive Edge It Needs with These Tips

In a sense, business is all about competition. Even if you don’t feel very much like you need to focus on your competition, the truth is that you are competing with others at all times, and it is in your interest to try and ensure that you end up on top. Giving your business the competitive edge is something that you will need to learn to do well if you want to succeed in the long run, so it is well worth taking a look at the following points. Here, we are going to look at some of the major things that can help in giving your business the edge in its practices. Follow these guidelines, and you really can’t go far wrong.

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8 Common Accounting Mistakes Most Small Business Owners Commit

There is nothing better than building a successful business. The kind that enables any entrepreneur to deliver superior services than all of his competitors. While passion may energize you, there is another side of the business that can equally drain you… accounting! There is hardly any business owner that wakes in the morning, excited by the idea of balancing transactions. Needless to say, accounting is key to business success. Every business owner should monitor their accounting closely in order to avoid making these common mistakes:

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