The battle between working for someone else in a large corporation versus venturing on your own rages in many people’s mind. On one hand, there is safety and security of working for someone without having to take on large financial risk; while on other hand there is an urge to go out on your own to prove to yourself what you are capable of.
Steve Jobs coined the term “intrapreneur”, referring to an employee of a company who uses entrepreneurial skills to promote innovative product development and marketing using that company’s capital and resources. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to making a decision between becoming an intrapreneur or entrepreneur. It all depends on how you prefer to work, what is your risk level and whether you like to be your own boss or can settle to work for someone else.
If you are still trying to figure out for yourself what you want to me look at the Infographic below to help you guide through the decision process.