How to Be Less Busy in Your Business

Being the boss in a business can sometimes feel as though you are constantly moving, but not, perhaps, in a productive, forward motion. There are always things to do, but if you are going round in circles, always doing the same things over and over, and neglecting the bigger, more important tasks, then you won’t get anywhere. You might be busy, but are you being productive? There is a big difference.

In order to help you to be less busy and to assist you in doing more useful things in your business, here are some of the things you can do to help yourself and your business as a whole. It’s time to become less busy in your business and start making progress instead.

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How to Work on Your Terms by Owning a Business

Majority of jobs in the country are generated by small business owners. With such a large workforce, it’s easy to get swept up in the 9 to 5 grind, working for a boss who could care less about you personally. However, owning your own business is a challenge, that if done successfully can provide a number of perks and rewards that let you live a flexible life where you are your own boss. This means no person to answer to, no worrying about your job stability being in the hands of other people, and true control over what you do on a daily basis. Growing your own business requires serious stress management skills and raw determination, but also offers the opportunity to create something worth having pride in.

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Why You Must Always Do a Background Check Before Hiring any Employee

Finding the right candidate to fill a vacant position is more complicated than you think. After all, a new hire can be a big investment for your company. It will require training, time, and money to see if they are truly a good fit for your organisation. You want to ensure that all these resources you’ll be consuming will be for a suitable applicant and not someone who’ll be a complete waste of effort.

Pre-employment screening can help your business make more well-informed hiring decisions. Through DBS checks and reference verifications, you can mitigate risks better in your recruitment process.

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6 Tips for Running a Successful Small Medical Practice

“How to effectively run a medical practice,” is one of the most searched items online. The complexity of the query is mainly because medical ventures, unlike typical ventures, have unlimited requirements. However, the universal requirements do not make running a medical practice more effectively a farfetched reality.

The following is a comprehensive guide on how to run a small medical practice effectively.

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What Every Employer Needs to Know About Hiring New Employees

As your business gets more established, there will come a time that you need to think about recruiting more team members to help your business work more efficiently. As an employer, you have financial, legal and moral obligations that you need to fulfill. When it comes to your finances, it is key to use services like enhanced check to make the entire process more efficient.

Hiring new employees is complex; you have a host of legal, cultural and financial hoops to jump through, and by failing to understand the intricacies of hiring a new employee, it can cost your business in the long-term. Recruiting the wrong employee can have number of consequences.

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Is Asia Set to Become the World’s Largest Trading Bloc?

In light of trade wars around the globe, and the subsequent economic turmoil they’ve caused, an increasing number of countries are turning towards protectionism.

While some international partnerships, including the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) as well as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), have been stalled or reversed, one trade bloc has emerged triumphant – almost.

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A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Workers Compensation Insurance

If you own a business with one or more employees, you are required to maintain a safe workplace. In the event that an accident does happen, however, you are also required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Have questions about this insurance? That’s understandable – it can be very confusing! Read on to learn the answers to the most commonly asked questions about workers’ compensation.

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Infographic: How Have Office Dress Codes Have Evolve Over the Years

The culture of any company can be seen by the way in which its employees are dressed. It is the responsibility of Human Resources department to ensure that the policy on office dress code is put in place such that it adheres to the core values of the company, while at the same time giving freedom and flexibility to employees to dress as they se fit. Over the years the office dress codes have changed significantly based on the current cultural trends of the time. Looks the Infographic below to see how employees have dressed over the years from 1950s to 2000s.

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4 Essential Stress Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress has become a worldwide epidemic. While everyone deals with stress on a daily basis, business owners tend to have the most to worry about. Worries about making money and keeping employees in line can make the life of a small business owner extremely stressful.

Rather than “just dealing” with this stress, your main concern should be finding strategies for combating this harmful state of mind. Read below to find out about some of the most effective strategies for managing high levels of stress.

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Theory X vs. Theory Y: How Management Theories are Adopted in the Workplace

For a long time, centuries in fact, management was just done “off the cuff”. In other words, there were no models or theories, and each person had their own style. It would be fair to say that the situation has turned on its head somewhat. Partly, this is due to the emergence of education in business, and one only has to cast their eye over the Santa Clara University MBA program to see this in full detail.

However, there’s no doubt that theories have helped to change the culture of management. For the purposes of today we are going to hone in on two that were devised by social psychologist Douglas McGregor. Going by the name of Theory X and Theory Y, let’s take a look at how they are adopted in the workplace.

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