How Communication Has Evolved Through Various Generations

Thanks to technological and medical advances, as many as five generations will soon be working together in the same job market. Each generation has different preferences when it comes to communicating, whether it’s through a specific medium, frequency or at a certain speed. Therefore, it’s crucial that people in cross-generational workplaces understand the best way to communicate with others.

From Generation Z to the baby boomers, it’s important to understand each generation’s unique communication style, which can enable people to better communicate across generations.

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Debunking 4 Critical Franchise Myths

Some myths are harmless and even pleasant, such as those that involve the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and let’s not forget Old Saint Nick and his intrepid crew of flying reindeer. However, there are other myths that are dangerous and costly — and unfortunately, myths involving owning a franchise are on this dubious list of falsehoods. That’s the bad news

The good news is that knowledge is power, and so debunking these myths doesn’t require years of research or analysis. It simply involves bringing the cold, hard facts to light. To that educational and potentially profitable end, here is the truth behind four enduring — but soon to be extinguished — franchise myths:

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8 Important Tips to Better Manage Your Small Business

Managing a small business isn’t always easy and comes with a lot of responsibility and extra pressure. Be glad to know that there are several management tips you can use to help you better succeed in your role as an entrepreneur and the company owner.

It’s in your best interest to figure out what you can be doing to improve as well as what you should stop doing or change right away if you want your business to thrive. You have to be willing to revisit your processes and approaches if you’re going to make it big and ensure your business is around for years to come.

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What Tasks in Your Small Business Can Be Outsourced?

Outsourcing, the process of sub-contracting services or jobs to external providers, has been around in some form or another since the late 18th century. Large businesses have been outsourcing tasks and entire departments for decades, but that’s expanded to small and medium-sized businesses with the growth of the gig economy, which is characterized by independent contractors and freelancers.

With outsourcing, small businesses receive the same production they would from an internal employee but with added benefits. Benefits include saving money on expensive salaries and solving capacity issues. On the other hand, small business owners need to weigh the cons of outsourcing, notably the loss of in-house control of a business feature, such as marketing, payroll or accounting.

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Tips From Top Recruiters to Find the Right Candidate for Job

Finding the right candidate for any given position is not easy because sometimes, the one who appeared to be the best candidate during an interview isn’t necessarily the best man/woman for the job. So, how is it that the best employers always seem to find the best employees? Well, every company has a process and the most successful companies have the most successful processes.

If you have a business of your own and would like to find the most appropriate candidates for all the positions in the company that need filling, consider a few of the following tried and tested methods.

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6 Best Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

When a business owner hires the best matches for the right jobs, he/she makes the business grow in a great way. That is the reason, significance of process improvement in hiring process cannot be denied by the successful business owner. A lot of things from poorly-written job descriptions to lack of follow up about applications can deter applicants and candidates from applying for the open positions advertised by your business or company.

As improvement in hiring process needs more prominence and efforts, here are a few steps listed that any business can take not only to ease the recruitment process but to encourage the best candidates as well.

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How to Use Time Management Apps to Get More Out of Your Day

Time has always been a precious commodity but it seems that the pace of modern life has made it even more of a challenge to find enough hours in the day to achieve all of your work and leisure goals.

The key to feeling like you are gaining better control over your time and how you spend each minute and hour of every day is to be more successful with your time management skills.

One way to help you achieve this aim would be to find a suitable time management app that offers you the tools and resources you need to beat the clock and stay on schedule.

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8 Team Building Event Ideas to Improve Employee Collaboration

Most of us spend a lot of our lives at work so it makes sense that you would want to find a job that you love and a company that you enjoy working for.

Your salary is important, of course, but so is workplace happiness and a feeling that you are valued and belong, and it is a lot easier to stay working for an employer that empathizes with your needs rather than being somewhere that feels like a grind.

A great way of building that much-valued team spirit is to get involved with some events that bring everyone closer together. Here are some team-building ideas that could put a smile on everyone’s face and make you look forward to another day at the office.

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How to Spruce Up Office Space Without Breaking the Bank

There is no doubt that the environment plays a substantial role in how you tackle the challenges of the day. That said, many people tend to overlook the importance of a productive environment, most especially business owners, as they have plenty of other things to worry about. However, considering how big of an impact the environment can have on productivity, it would be a shame to neglect something that can be tackled and rectified in a few simple steps.

While it can be somewhat confusing to figure out how to spruce up the office space if you do not have enough experience, it does not have to be a challenging experience. Here are just a few ways to spruce up the office space without breaking the bank!

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7 Sources of Inspiration Every Business Owner Should Tap Into

There are millions of entrepreneurs in this country and across the world right now. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these entrepreneurs haven’t been successful, at least not the way they expected when they entered the world of entrepreneurship. Some encountered challenges along the way and decided to quit while some haven’t been able to progress past a certain point.

Perhaps they must have lacked or been ignorant of finding a source of inspiration that would’ve been their turnaround. Fortunately for you, we’ve prepared a list of most common sources of inspiration that you can tap into, especially when your business needs some new energy and passion. Please read on.

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