How to Prioritize During the Product Design Process

In any aspect of business, the ability to prioritize tasks and workloads is hugely important. When you are able to do this effectively, the most pressing tasks are completed without procrastination and maximum time and effort is invested into where it is most needed. This is no different when it comes to product design

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4 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Tech Company

The technology industry has been booming recently, but if you’re considering starting your own tech company, it can be tough to know where to start. Businesses from just about every sector require the latest technology products and services, so if you can hone your product and deliver it in new or more efficient ways, you could potentially have a shot at success. However, preparing ahead of time and having a clear vision from the get-go are also key. To learn more about how to start a tech startup and the top four things you should keep in mind before getting your feet wet in the startup world, read on.

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Infographic: How to Prepare Your Business to Handle Coronavirus Disease

Coronavirus disease caused by Covid-19 has wreaked havoc around the world. Businesses of all size and type have been affected by it. Small business owners in particular have been hit very hard. Many of them had to shut down completely due to mandatory lockdowns ordered by governments around the world. Many of them are slowly opening back up, however they need to be extra careful to ensure their employees and customers do not spread the disease while visiting their business. Here are tips you can use to prepare your business to deal with the extraordinary situation.

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How To Maintain a Strong Relationship with Your Suppliers

No matter what product or service you sell, you rely on your suppliers to keep your business alive. Maybe your suppliers provide you with the materials you need to craft your product. Perhaps you outsource your marketing to a marketing supplier, or maybe you have a supplier who makes your packaging for you. Regardless of how many suppliers you utilize, it’s vital to keep your relationships secure to ensure the consistent and smooth operation of your business.

Here are five ways to ensure you maintain a quality relationship with all your suppliers.

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4 Ways Your Business Can Prepare for Injury Claims

No business owner wants to end up in the middle of a personal injury claim. If you aren’t prepared, you could lose everything that you’ve worked so hard for very quickly. Gaining a bad reputation is the fastest way to lose customers. To avoid this from happening, let’s look at ways you can protect your business.

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A Guide to Performing Successful M&A

An M&A, also known as mergers and acquisitions, is the process where companies or assets are consolidated together. There are several reasons why an M&A might be performed, from improving economies of scale to wiping a rival business out of the equation.

Even though the advantages are there for all to see, there’s a startling statistic regarding mergers and acquisitions: 70% of M&A transactions fail to reach their expected strategic and financial results.

Due to this, it’s imperative that an in-depth and carefully considered integration plan is put into place. If you’re a newcomer to the world of M&A and not sure where to start, here’s a quick guide on what needs to be done to ensure success.

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How to Set Your Brick-and-Mortar Store Up for Success

Setting up a brick-and-mortar store can be challenging, especially in times of economic uncertainty, so having a good business strategy is essential. While it is true that eCommerce is gaining momentum there is still room for brick and mortal stores to be successful and grow. Here are some tips to start you on the road to success.

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4 Business Risks Not Worth Taking

Risk is an element of every successful career path. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to take some risks along the way. Indeed, starting a small business is, in and of itself, a risky proposition. However, there’s a big difference between calculated risks and unreasonable gambles. Here, we’ll help you learn to tell the two apart. Check out these four risks that –– for all intents and purposes –– just aren’t worth taking:

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What Do You Need to Do to Successfully Hire From Numerous Applicants

It can be a blessing to be overwhelmed with candidates for your job posting — or it can be a curse. Somewhere in that pile of resumes, you know you’ll find your ideal candidate. But you also know it’s going to take forever to sort through each resume. And what if you breeze by a great candidate because you simply didn’t have enough time to dedicate to the sorting process?

Here are a few ideas to successfully hire when you have numerous applicants.

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What Damages Are Covered Under Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury claims are cumbersome and can take a toll on the plaintiff and defendant, mentally. The most frustrating part is deciding what should be included in a claim and demanding appropriate compensation. After all, be it regarding a road accident or a slip and fall injury, the extent of damages far exceeds the physical value.

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