3 Things You Need to Consider as a Freelance Artist

Being a freelancer is mostly shrouded in stereotypes. Freelance artists are sometimes described as “starving artists.” However, the starving artist stereotype is long gone. This stereotype is proven to be a false statement by thousands of freelance artists worldwide making good money. It is not true to say that being and working as a freelance artist is easy. You must put in lots of hard work and desiccation to be at the top. However, it is 100% proven possible.

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4 Tried and True Strategies for Personal Branding for Executives

As a leader in your field, you’re used to getting results. And for those results speaking for yourself. It’s what people allude to when they tell you your reputation precedes you. You’re known for getting stuff done. But being known for getting stuff done isn’t enough to sustain a strong personal brand as you climb the ranks. At some point, you can’t coast on your natural ability any longer. Before that time comes, you need to invest in that brand — and maybe create it fresh. Begin with these four tried-and-true branding strategies for ambitious executives.

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Things to Consider When Planning an Accessible Team Building Event

Building strong relationships and communication skills between your employees is essential in the running of a good business. One of the most popular ways to facilitate this is to organise team-building activities. Whether you plan a team-building event as a one-off activity or work it into your yearly or quarterly calendar, they can be a great resource for bringing a team together.

However, it is important to plan the activities so that everyone can take part. Making your team building activities accessible is so important for making sure every member of your team feels involved. There are several things to consider regarding accessibility when planning a team-building event.

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5 Reasons to Consult an Employee Attorney Right Away

Every individual has rights in the workplace, apart from fundamental human rights. People are generally caught unaware of when their rights are being violated.

A dispute in the office is when a conflict emerges between employees, managers, and customers. It is best never to be blindsided by getting employee dispute advice from an expert in the field. While most issues are one-time problems, there are times when an argument can escalate.

Many circumstances may require you to get an employment lawyer. Listed below are some reasons why you might need the services of an employment attorney.

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How Great Managers Make the Most of Working from Home

Managers who are responsible for directing other people’s activities can face some understandable impediments trying to connect with people constructively when they’re working away from their team. However, many managers have been finding ways to harness working from home towards enhancing their work output and managerial style. Here are some ways that you can maximize your productivity and performance as a manager working from home.

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Should We Encourage Discussions of Mental Health in the Workplace?

There’s no doubt that mental health is an important issue in today’s society. With mental health disorders affecting one in five adults in the United States, it’s clear that these issues are not going away anytime soon.

Despite the prevalence of mental health disorders, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness. This stigma can make it difficult for people to seek help or even just to talk about their mental health.

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Why You Should Consider Psychometric Testing

As a business leader, you’re aware of the need for hiring and firing the right and wrong people until you find the perfect balance for a team to run your business. The more you know about your people the better because in a talent tight market such as the one we are in right now, you need the best and you need them fast. The candidate pool is shallow and it’s vital that you think about how people align with your business values and the way that everyone else works.

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5 Surprising Issues That Can Halt the Growth of Your Business

You’ve got good cash flow, your products are selling, and you’re on good terms with suppliers. So, why has your business growth plateaued? There may be some lesser-known reasons your business is not growing. Here are five surprising issues that could be at fault:

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How Can You Improve Businesses Security

There are many challenges you will face when running a small business; however, security issues are perhaps the most severe. After all, whether unauthorized personnel enter your business or a cyber security attack occurs, a loss of income is sure to follow. Whatsmore, if sensitive data or information is leaked/stolen, as a business owner, you could be facing serious legal consequences.

With that in mind, here are some simple ways in which you can improve your business security!

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Why Effective Management Can Transform Your Business

Ask not what your people can do for you, but what can you do for your people. Behind every great business idea and every successful business model are a group of people motivated for success. As a business owner, your professional future can be shaped by those around you, so give them the chance to flourish.

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