UK Government Launches Guide to Find the Right Business Finance

Business Finance
Probably the definitive manual for any business looking for funding in the UK is a new Business Finance Guide, jointly launched by the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the British Business Bank, and promoted by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and 18 major finance and business organisations.

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Money Hacks for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

Personal Finance
Tracking your money is important. This is true in your personal life and it is especially true in your professional life. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it is your responsibility to know where every last cent you earn comes from and where it goes. Properly tracking your money and making sure that your finances are in order is how you make sure that your company survives.

You know this already, of course. You know that the money is what makes your project a company and not just a very time consuming hobby. What you might not know, though, is what to track or how to track it. Here are some hints to help you with that.

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How to Improve Trading Performance with Binary Options

Stock Trading
Trading can be a risky proposition. You can win big in a short period of time. At the same time, it is easy to lose a lot too. Any trader will always be looking to improve performance and optimise profits. There are certainly some tricks and tools available that can help you to become a better and more profitable binary options trader.

You can make use of binary options trading signals as part of your currency trading strategy. In addition to this useful tool, there are some other ways to help you optimise your predictions.

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Infographic: Are you a Saver or Spender? Key to Becoming a Millionaire

Piggy Bank
For many people there is a misconception that millionaires are a special breed that somehow got lucky and hit a jackpot or inherited large sum of money. In reality, the secret to becoming a millionaire is having a consistent and persistent savings plan and save part of the income on a regular basis. Success does not arrive overnight. Some of the most well known billionaires are consummate thrifts. For example, Warren Buffet is famous for living in the same modest house he has lived for number of years and driving a beat-up car.

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Should You Switch from Financial Trading to Bricks and Mortar Investment?

Over the past decade, it’s been a roller coaster ride for those interested in potentially investing in the property market. Whether it’s been your dream to purchase a house and sell it on, or to purchase a house and rent it out to tenants, the recession made this goal virtually impossible for the vast majority of people. Now, however, the economic landscape is relatively different, and property investment is more viable than it has been for the past half decade.

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Practical Approaches to Reduce Business Costs

Cost Reduction
The world is full of ideas on how to reduce business costs, although many of these are based on theory rather than the harsh practicalities of commercial management. After all, it doesn’t make sense to reduce costs if it is detrimental to profitability, as this will have a debilitating effect even in a growing economy. With that in mind, all costs must be measured in line with their potential return, before any decision is made on where to make reductions.

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Do chartered flights make business sense?

Private jet
To an outsider, investing in a private jet may seem like an exorbitant and unnecessary charge. If one flight can get hundreds of people to a destination, why does another person need to ride with a small group? Strict accountants may also have the same attitude.

But for the high-flying corporate executive on serious time constraints, waiting for everyone to board and get off of an airplane — even if it’s just those in first class — can not only make them late for important appointments or live events (ex. speaking engagements) but also risk losing money.

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Best Options to Build a Company Car Fleet

Car Fleet
If you are starting a new business, you will already be aware of how much there is to take into consideration. Finding the right office space and building a team around you are tough enough challenges to begin with. But then there is much more for you to think about. One of those things is how your staff is going to travel from place to place, especially if they are often on the road meeting clients and customers. Many businesses choose to build a company car fleet to enable their staff to do their work wherever they have to go. If you’re thinking of doing the same for your business, here are some things to consider first.

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Proven Tips to Reduce Operating Cost in Small Business

Office Space
When you are starting your own business and trying to make it a success it, last thing you want is to end up throwing money down the drain on simply running your office. Certainly office expenses can stack up very quickly, so if you are not careful you could end up wasting money on unnecessary expenses in keeping your firm up and running. However, with a few tips and tricks described below you can save good money in the office, while continuing to give the best possible impression to anyone who comes through the door.

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Manage Spending with Your Reloadable Debit Card

Debit Card
Make record keeping as simple as shopping when you decide to use payment options such as Kaiku reloadable debit cards. Many companies, like Kaiku, offer these types of cards that give you shopping, budgeting and organizational power like no other payment method.

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