3 Tips to Find a Qualified Investment Consultant

You should only entrust your finances to somebody who knows what they are doing. Your financial future is much too important to leave in the hands of a person who is not an experienced investor. So how do you go about finding someone who fits this description? There is no question that investment consultants are not all the same. These are people who make investments for a living. However, they possess varying degrees of skill and knowledge. This is why you should never be foolish enough to believe that all investment consultants are identical and it does not matter which one you hire.

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Tired of Begging for Startup Capital? Try Equity Crowdfunding

Everyone’s out to build a better mousetrap, but investment vehicles have changed very little since the creation of mutual funds years ago. Sure, there have been little innovations like online trading and other avenues, but nothing has really shook up the investment world until now. We’re talking about equity crowdfunding, and it’s showing the potential to deliver ROIs that are 30 – 40% higher than annual returns for traditional investment platforms.

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Infographic: Your Guide to Allocating Marketing Budget

If you’re in charge of the marketing budget for your brand, allocating funds might seem tricky. Each year different trends can be observed, and it’s not always easy to identify the best ways to spend your budget. Before you decide where the money will go, you need to remember that every brand is different. With that in mind, here are some ways you might want to spend your money.

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2 Non-Traditional Funding Options You Should Not Ignore

If you are considering a way to raise finance for a new business project, you shouldn’t ignore the benefits that both the Enterprise Investment Scheme and crowdfunding can have in reaching your goals. Current Capital, which specialises in guiding people through their investment journeys, explains why:

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Creative Ways to Fund Your Marketing Campaign

Small business owners may find themselves scrambling for funds. Whether you’re searching for seed money or trying to take your business to the next level, you need to find cash to achieve your goals. Marketing is an area that small business owners cannot neglect, even if they have bigger issues to tackle. Try the following six creative and effective funding techniques for your small business marketing campaigns.

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6 Key Points to Consider Before Starting Loan Advisory Business

Are you an experienced loan advisor looking to get free from the shackles of a tyrannical boss, or a newbie just out of school, with a desire to start your own business?

Becoming your own boss comes with a lot of good things. It’s the opportunity to do something you feel passionate about. On top of that, it promises more money, freedom, and convenience. If you’re passionate about helping people resolve their various financing issues, a loan advisory business can be your best bet.

However, you should know that starting financing advisory business calls for hard work. You need to get several things right. In that light, we present you six considerations you need to do to realize your business dream.

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How to Select the Right Loan for Your Small Business

As the owner of a small business, you probably have a lot of financial concerns. This makes sense, as business owners are often faced with some complicated decisions regarding the budget. If you find that your establishment could benefit from some additional cash flow, then you might want to start thinking about your options for financing. Taking out the right loan from a company like Western AgCredit can make a big difference for the future of your business.

To get started, you might want to familiarize yourself with how to take out an appropriate loan from a lender. Seeing success from this endeavor is easy when you have a general idea of what to expect. Explore these points and see if you might be able to benefit from taking out a loan for your business.

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How to Improve Personal Credit in a Self-Employed World

Every person who is self-employed has their own business. It may not be structured with corporate credit cards, logos and personalized stationary, but it is a business. Being self-employed, however, can make it very difficult to get a loan.

Your personal finances are intertwined with business expenses and it can be difficult to show a bank or financial institution how much money you made during the last year without revealing all your costs and expenses. If you are working in the gig economy it can be even more confusing as payment for work is usually made through PayPal or other electronic bill paying services and often isn’t listed as wages.

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4 Unconventional Ways to Make More Money from Your Business

There’s no business in the world that wouldn’t be helped by having more money. More funds can lead to increased investment and hiring better staff; it can help smooth the HR process, and buy the latest technology or upgrade to new premises. And sometimes there are methods for making quick money that require very little work – such as these four:

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Help Your Business by Improving Your Personal Finances

Running a successful business is no easy endeavor. If you are going to see the best future for your company, it is important that you dedicate a lot of your time to understanding finance. This is not limited to the budget that you have for your business. In fact, your personal finances are going to have a decent impact on your company as well. Paying attention to the financial advice of experts like Don Gayhardt can be an excellent way for you to begin getting your personal finances in order.

The reason your personal finances are so important is rather simple. If you are someone who does not know how to spend your own money, then it stands to reason that you are not going to know how to properly spend your business budget. Learning how to handle your own money will also prove useful outside of your business. Look over these financial tips and see how you can get started and make a difference.

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