Digital advertising has become the new must-have for any online business. If you don’t tell people about your products, people won’t know they exist. The shift from traditional advertising to virtual ads has been long and painful, but it is finally here.
From Pay Per Click advertising to analytics based off your click through rate – the world of advertising is irrevocably digital. Big brands are not spending budgets on traditional TV ads like they used to. Instead, a well-placed, timely campaign online can bring massive ROI. Coordinating forces between social media campaigns, social media ads, new content and ongoing content strategies, and onsite and offsite SEO, you can build a lead generation net the whole internet wide.
Here are a few solid ways you could improve your digital ad results.
Try these 4 hot takes on how you can improve your digital ad results. Boost the results and you increase those leads, better develop the customer persona, and spread your reach overnight.
- Eliminate Fraudulent Clickers
Every time you run an advert online, you face the risk of fake clicks. These come from things like information gathering bots, which others use to steal the best information for their sites. Bots can do harmful things too. They can monitor users login details, make purchases on their behalf, and commit fraud.
How do you find out if clicks are fake? Companies like Lunio have the cybersecurity technology which can tell the difference between fake clicks and real ones. Once you can identify the fake clicks, you can eliminate them. You can also communicate the rate of fake clicks to any ad provider with the aim of getting some of your money back.
- Consider the UX
The user experience is the heart of what drives them to use your site. Think about how a luxury brand sells its goods. Often, the goods are no higher quality than the best upper end mid-range brands. The difference is in the experience. Luxury clients expect a luxury service. Improving the user experience and customer journey from the beginning of the ad to the moment they buy the product is by far the best way to drive leads.
User experiences don’t begin and end when the customer arrives on your page or in your store. They begin with how they arrive at your door. High quality links from other sites and ads that cater to their needs are the best ways to do this.
- Define your Audience
Again, we can’t target those ads if we don’t know who to target them towards. If you clearly define your audience, you know how to reach them and who you are reaching. This gives you the advantage when targeting your ads. Many businesses will define several customer personas to describe each of their target markets. It never hurts to be prepared.
- Align your Brand Message
Just as you must define your audience, you should also create a brand image that works with you. Every piece of literature, content, image, or ad that leaves your HQ should align in this. If your brand is hip and trendy, it should use hip and trendy language. If most of your customers are Gen Z and Alpha Gen, you need to use their terms. The only exception is when you operate B2B services. Other businesses prefer business English.