Workplaces are supposed to be safe for employees. However, once in a while, you may feel threatened by a coworker or client. While some threats maybe small and may not warrant much attention, there are cases in which you have to take action so that it doesn’t pose danger to you and your fellow co-workers. In such cases, you should follow these six tips.
- Determine the Type of Threat
The first thing you should do when you feel threatened is to determine the type of threat you are being exposed to. If a person seems like they are ready to harm you, it is necessary to take drastic measures like calling the police.
However, in situations where people are just being foolish, racist, or disrespectful in any way, you can take the matter to the human resource department.
- Communicate with Human Resource
One thing you have to remember is to handle the situation as soon as possible. This way, it will be a lot easier to resolve the issue before it progresses into something worse. It is important to remember to be respectful when communicating with your coworkers or HR.
- Use a Panic Button
Another way of controlling threatening situations is to use a Bluetooth Panic Button. These devices are meant to alert coworkers or the management of your company in case you are in danger. It can work up to thirty feet away and is quite easy to set up.
To raise an alert, you will only need to click the button once. You can choose who and how people will be alerted when you press the panic button.
- Call the Police
If you think an individual is about to harm you at work, you should call the police. Authorities may arrive before the individual gets the chance to act, and this will give you a chance to get home safely. When you make the call to the police, be sure to stay on the line as this will help them trace your location.
While you are on the call, you can also text a coworker to let them know what is happening.
- Avoid Confronting
People who communicate violently will rarely be rational, and any communication with them is likely to make them even angrier. This is why you need to avoid confronting them in places where they may harm you. In such situations, your first priority should be your safety, and that means you need to move away from the person.
- Report the Incident
Once the threat has been eliminated, you should report the incident to make sure it does not happen again. You can report it to the management of your company so that they come up with better policies regarding employees’ safety.
It is also important to report the threat to the police so that legal action is taken against the individual.
Whenever you feel threatened at work, you should first determine the type of threat you are being exposed to. You can then determine whether it can be handled by coworkers or HR.
If your safety is being threatened, you should call the police and text your friends, family members, or coworkers. You should also consider getting a panic button as it can help to raise alerts faster.
Once the threat has been eliminated, you should report the matter to your manager and the police.
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