Covid-19 has wreaked havoc in the lives of everyone all over the world. Ever since its first appearance in China in December 2019 and subsequent spread in every country, the lives of people have not remained the same. Masks are ubiquitous anywhere you go; social gathering has been limited or completely eliminated and businesses have been shut down.
In the last few months there are signs that the spread is getting under control, resulting from higher vaccination rate and herd immunity. Businesses are slowly making plans to open up and bring employees back to the office. As they prepare to do, it is still very important to take all the necessary precautions to protect employees, and themselves, from being affected. Here are the steps business owners can take to prepare for reopening and protect their employees.
- Remote Work – The best way to stop the spread of the disease is to avoid bringing employees in the office. This has been the mode of operation for many businesses for the last year and half. With the help of technology such as Internet and video conferencing it is possible to get the work done remotely. In some cases, employees even report being more productive when working from home. Besides, it helps employees cope with domestic challenges such as taking care of kids and elderly.
- Social Distancing – If you do decide to bring employees back in the office, it helps to keep the social distancing to limit the spread. You can do so by staggering the schedule so that employees are in the office for only certain days in a week. You can bring half of the employees on Mondays and Wednesdays, while bring the other half on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You should also change the office layout so that there is adequate distance between desks. Gone are the days of open office layout. Instead, you should consider putting up partitions between desks.
- Covid Testing – You should enforce the policy of regular Covid testing to ensure all the employees returning to the office are Covid free. It is not possible to detect it from symptoms alone as many of those who are positive could be asymptomatic. Setting up a testing facility onsite or allowing employees access to the nearby testing facility will help find out those with Covid systems early and stop the spread of the disease.
- Masks and PPEs – Asking everyone to wear masks or Personal Protective Equipment will also help stem the spread of the virus. Scientists have proven the effectiveness of masks and PPEs in stopping the spread. You should make wearing them mandatory when in open areas within the office.
- Hand Sanitizers – In addition to masks, you should also install hand sanitizer dispenser in number of places within the office, Sanitizers have been effective in killing the germs. Putting them in common spaces where multiple people touch the surface will help keep those areas clean and safe.
- Training and Education – Employees play a critical role in in protecting themselves and others from Covid-19. It is advisable to provide them proper training and education so they understand the seriousness of the disease and importance of taking safety precautions inside and outside the office. The more we can do to protect ourselves, the better it will be for everyone else around us.
- Vaccines – Finally, everyone should be encouraged, and even mandated, to get the vaccine. With the arrival of several vaccine options there is no excuse for anyone not to get vaccinated. You can make it a requirement for anyone who wishes to return to the office.
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