You struggle to wake up in the morning even though it never used to be a problem before. The thought of having to go to work makes you go “oh no, not again”. You dread Mondays, strike that, you dread every next working day.
Sounds familiar? In most cases, it means you’re snowballing towards burning out. It also means that you need to act on it, and you should do it fast. It’ll get only worse if you do nothing.
But how exactly do you bring back the passion you used to have for this job? Here are 7 ways to do so that you should try. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, make sure to check out different guides for more advice on professional growth and career development.
- Understand Why You’ve Lost the Passion
This might’ve even been your dream job, but now you despise it, or it bores you. First, you need to reflect on some tough questions:
- How do you feel throughout the day? Do you feel bored, stressed out, irritable?
- What typically triggers those emotions?
- What are your most and least favorite parts of the day?
- How does all of it compare to how you used to feel during your first days in this position?
Of course, the underlying causes may vary from a toxic workplace environment to an improper work-life balance. But if you used to be over the moon about going to work, these are the most important questions to ask yourself:
- What has changed?
- Were there some external shifts, like dissatisfying changes in salary, workplace, responsibilities?
- Or is it only your attitude that’s become different? If so, why?
Pinpointing the reason behind the loss of interest in your day-to-day tasks is crucial. As they say, it’s half the solution.
- Find Professional Growth Opportunities
Often, when people say they hate their jobs, what they mean to say is that they are bored with their occupations.
It’s common because as time passes, you learn all the ins and outs of your tasks. So, every day becomes predictable, mundane, unchallenging – in one word, boring.
Here are some ways to counter this boredom while building up your professional experience:
- Obtain additional training in your career field using corporate or external resources.
- Talk to your boss about taking up new duties or projects.
- Find new, more efficient (or just different) ways to do your daily tasks.
- Take initiative for overcoming the challenges the company is struggling with.
- Remember Why Your Job Matters
Another common reason why employees get disappointed in their occupation is the perceived meaninglessness of it. It’s especially frustrating if you have aspirations for helping people or changing the world for the better, at least on a small scale.
Yet, any job, even work from home has a meaning to it. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a paid position, right? Most probably, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate how your job impacts the company and the world around you.
Think of it this way. If you’re an accountant, you’re integral to the company’s financial well-being. If you’re flipping burgers, you feed others. If you’re a marketing specialist, you help people who might need this product or service find it.
- Maintain the Work-Life Balance
It could be that your employer demands you to be available 24/7. This, especially if combined with overblown expectations and a huge workload, is guaranteed to induce stress and lead to burnout in the long run.
The thing is, everything’s good in moderation. Even the most fulfilling work can become despised if there’s too much of it.
So, if this is your case, drawing the line between your working hours and personal life can be the so-much-needed solution. Make it a rule to avoid opening the professional email inbox or chat after your day is over, let alone answering work-related phone calls.
- Spice Things Up to Fight the All-Consuming Routine
Don’t get this wrong: in the great scheme of things, routines are necessary. They help make the world around us less chaotic and, thus, easier to navigate and cope with. Some routines can help you start the day right and get focused.
But if your days consist of routines only, this may cause you to feel out of control, which, in its turn, may pave the way for burnout and depression.
So, spice things up. Rearrange items on your desk. Take breaks at different times if possible. Go for short walks between tasks if you can. Try grabbing lunch at various places.
- Treat Yourself
In other words, set up your own reward system. Think of it as a last resort or an additional fix, though. Just treating yourself doesn’t change your outlook on the occupation itself.
On the other hand, it can make your days a bit more bearable. What’s more, rewards will help you cement new habits if you add positive reinforcement for them.
If you’re a workaholic (or your employer wants you to be one), you may spend your whole day without taking enough breaks. This undermines your productivity and makes you feel exhausted at the end of the day.
To avoid this, treat yourself to short five-minute breaks every 30 to 45 minutes. During those breaks, reward yourself with a snack or watching a short YouTube video – or just going for a short walk.
- If None of This Works in the Long Run: Move On
You have tried all of this, but you still hate your current job? Don’t be hard on yourself then. It happens, and it’s completely fine.
Maybe, you’ve tried yourself in this occupation, and it just hasn’t worked out. Maybe, your values, priorities, or desires have changed over time, so it’s not a good match for you anymore.
Whatever the reason is, think about your future. Do you want to keep doing this for the next year?
If the answer is “no”, it’s time to update your resume and set out on the job hunt to switch positions. Just make sure to avoid hot-headed decisions and keep it discreet.
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