A flexible work arrangement often referred to as flextime or flextime plan is an arrangement of work hours to accommodate an individual, with respect to their needs. This arrangement provides you with the luxury of choosing how you work rather than the traditional nine-to-five working pattern.
I love flexible work arrangements, and if you’re reading this, you probably do, too. This skilled Labour hire company introduces flexible working for its employees – they choose what time to start work, where to work, and when to end work.
An employee who has worked regularly for at least 6-12months for the same employer has a right to request flexible working – this is not just eligible to parents, carers, elderly people (above 55), or people with disabilities. You! can request flexible work arrangements in Australia, too.
As an employer, the uneasiness you may face about introducing a flexible working arrangement is that your employees may become too distracted. Thereby, losing focus which will lead to less throughput. It’s okay to think this way – your concern is valid when you don’t trust your workers. In any organization, team members should be committed to achieving their company’s goal. Therefore, the arrangement must work if the employer and employee share the same goal.
The flexible working arrangement might seem to be only beneficial to the employees. Here’s the good news: this working arrangement is also beneficial to you, the employer. – Benefits of flexible work for employers.
Here, you’ll discover the five different flexible work arrangements you can try in your office. No more talking! Let’s dive in!
- Job Sharing / Split Shifts
This involves changes in the pattern of work. You should employ two people or more (depending on the complexity of the job) to handle one job and split the hours.
- Working from Home
This is the change in location pattern where Employees get to work remotely. Whoever has to work remotely should hold a position that doesn’t require being in-office all the time (maybe you can be present 2-3 days a week). This can be a permanent or temporary position.
- Part-Time
Carefully access all the available positions in your company. Pick out positions that don’t require full-time work, then, offer it as a part-time position. Employees may be seeking a part-time job where they have to work for less than full-time hours – this is done by working fewer days.
- Compressed Hours
Compressed hours are somewhat opposite to part-time work. Employees are to work full-time hours but, over fewer days. For this plan, consider only the individuals that can remain productive during cases of long working days.
- Flextime
In this plan, an employee gets to choose the hours they work – that is their start and finish time. This customized working hour is a popular system and many job seekers prefer this. For a company to get the most out of this plan, the employer should create a window say, 6 a.m. – 11 a.m. for workers to choose from.
The flexible working arrangement is the new normal – not just for talented employees, furthermore, employers should learn to manage flexible working requests.
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