If your ecommerce site is struggling to get over a certain revenue hump there could be a couple of things in your control to change. For instance, maybe you are making some email marketing mistakes like trying too hard to make sales, or that your website is too slow to load.
While looking into every avenue, make sure that your landing page is also considered for some changes. It could very well be that your website is to blame for your poor sales. Your landing page is supposed to make it easy to understand the offer and what the next step that the visitor should take.
Often, landing pages are a confused mess that end up causing visitors to click away and keep searching. When you take some time to understand what your landing page is missing then you can take the steps necessary to improve it and see your revenue grow accordingly.
In this article, I will go over several ways to optimize your landing page.
- Understand what your visitors are doing
To really understand where your landing page is falling short, you need to recognize how it is being engaged with. There is data out there that can give you some insight into this so you can get a picture of what needs to be changed.
For instance, you can use your Google analytics to see how many people are clicking through to the next page versus how many click away. This is called your bounce rate. The higher it is the more people are not taking the next step. Another figure is time on page that will allow you to see how long people are reading the page.
Google Analytics now has an even more detailed report on how visitors are engaging with your page so check out ConversionCode for a guide on how that works.
Other software is available to understand how the landing page is used by visitors. A heat map software can show you all the points that users are clicking. If you have a call to action that shows that it is not being clicked then you know that needs to be changed.
You can also get an idea of how much of the page people are reading so you can see where your copy is losing their interest.
- Understand what your visitor is looking for
To give your customer what they want, you have to understand what they are looking for. You should have some data as to what keywords they are using to find your page, or take a look at the social media posts that bring in the most traffic. Analyse these items so you can get a glimpse of what they are expecting and then deliver it to them in an easy to see way.
For instance, if your social media posts that send the most traffic to the landing page are about some vital information on how to use a certain product, then they are looking for information. Providing a checklist or troubleshooting guide is a good way to build your email list and market to them later on rather than go for a hard sale right away.
Those looking for a product that helps them with a particular problem will likely want to buy right away. So, providing calls to action that are clear and help the visitor find the right product is essential.
- Always be testing
You should be doing A/B testing to find the right formula that works for your landing page. What this means is that you have two different versions of the same landing page. Then you can compare which one has the better conversion rate.
Using the heat map will show you how people are interacting with both of the versions so you can see the areas that resonate best with your visitors.
Try different copy for each of the pages as well as different call to action buttons and color schemes. This process should be ongoing until you find the exact right landing page design.
- Offer a compelling lead magnet
You should be focused on getting your email list growing and the offer on your landing page will have a direct effect on that. This will increase your revenue by a lot when you have them working together.
Make sure the lead magnet is enticing and something that is actually helpful. This way people will want to stay on your list and will be happy to be marketed to.
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