There is no two-way about the fact that in today’s scenario, digital marketing makes up for a bigger chunk of your marketing strategy than any other form. In a world where everyone, from your employees to your clients, customers and audience is always online, it is only common knowledge that you need to build your strategy around digital means.
However, in your budding years, the technicalities of digital marketing might boggle your mind. If this is the case, you need a pathway to refer to for building a digital marketing campaign that doesn’t just satisfy all the “must do” lists of marketing but also works. Here’s how you can get started building an agile digital marketing campaign and take your business from the starting position to its success. Read on.
Step 1: Creating a buyer persona
Marketing 101’s first rule is to define your audience – Who is your campaign going to be targeted at? Buyer personas depict your ideal customer and require a fair deal of research to define. Surveys and interviews are some of the best ways to categorise your audience.
Whether you are a B2B company or a B2C company, you should take a large mix of research sample to make an informed deduction. You can divide your research into qualitative and quantitative categories.
- Qualitative: Priorities, interests, goals, challenges, etc.
- Quantitative: Income group, age, job title, geography, etc.
A crucial thing to note is that any kind of campaign must be based on real data and not on assumptions. This is because the smallest glitch in your assumptions can drive your whole campaign in the wrong direction.
Step 2: Identifying your own goals and tools
At every step of planning your marketing campaign, your own goal or the outcome that you expect out of this campaign must be reiterated. Studying the results of previous campaigns and what was the overall ratio of input vs output must be your basis of strategizing this campaign.
For instance, if the final goal of your campaign is to increase your online revenue by 10%, you must audit the percentage growth of the previous years and keep in mind the following points:
- What was the difference between the planned/expected and achieved percentage growths?
- What tactics and tools you had adopted?
- Which schemes had worked and which had not worked and why?
- How much had you invested in every said tactic and tool?
Based on this study, you will be able to determine the changes that you are required to make in your present campaign. And more importantly, this audit will help you in setting a more realistic goal for your present campaign.
Step 3: Assessing your existing resources
Digital marketing in Adelaide or anywhere in the entire world, more or less, follows the same set of rules. And a very important rule is to evaluate the assets that you already have.
Platforms like digital media channels, blogs or any other kind of owned, paid or earned media can help you in shaping your campaign.
- Owned media: It might be a website, digital asses like image or infographic, blog, or any other owned channel.
- Paid media: Any channel or network where you pay to catch your audience’s attention. It might be paid social media posts, Google AdWords, or any other form of advertising where you pay for visibility.
- Earned media: Any exposure that you might have earned organically or through word-of-mouth. Guest posts, site mentions, PR activity or even customer experience and organic post shares on social media will be counted as earned media.
Keeping track of all these channels and your distributed work on them will help you to build a stronger campaign. For example, if there is an article which has been mentioned a few times organically, might be able to gain you a better exposure if you put efforts in making it visible.
Whether you choose to deploy your own team for this or you hire a digital advertising agency, the best results, via any digital marketing campaign, can only be achieved through thorough research.
Another thing that matters is a consistent approach to digital marketing. In the ocean of the internet, it is extremely easy for posts to get lost, this is why it is crucial to keep updating and re-marketing it to keep is visible. And of course, the more visibility, the more leads.
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