How Balers Can Be Good for Your Business

The topic of waste reduction and making our businesses more eco-friendly had never been hotter or more of a global trend. Business has finally woken up to the fact that what’s good for the planet is also good for the pocket, as making your business more environmentally friendly not only preserves the world around you but tends to have the effect of saving you costs in the medium to long-term, adding money onto your bottom line. From large blue-chip corporations to SMEs, sustainability efficient waste management techniques and recycling are buzzwords for a good reason. Making changes doesn’t have to be daunting or complex, just a few adaptations planned over time can do their part. With budget savings to be made and legislative pressure from governments, the focus to meet recycling targets is on. Landfill tax is rightly escalating and new laws are being introduced to force compliance with environmental codes. You can’t afford not to make waste management a key part of your business strategy, and one solution which is effective, easy to implement and gives a lot of added benefits is switching to baling machines.

What Is A Baler?

If your business produces a lot of waste streams, which you pay to have removed to landfill, it’s time to update. Adding balers to your operations means that you can sort waste at the source, with the machine compacting and bundling the waste for efficient storage and eventual disposal. You can purchase a baling machine outright, or go for leasing or hire options, meaning that you’ll be able to find a match for your budget and requirements. Balers can be purchased to tackle almost any material that you care to bale – plastics, aluminium, wood or paper. You can also choose from a variety of models to suit the specific waste disposal requirements of your business, so whatever volume or size of waste stream you have can be caters for. There are also manual and automated versions available depending on the frequency and operational ease you want.

What Is the Benefit to Your Bottom Line?

Separating all your waste products easily and compacting them down into tidy bundles has many benefits for your business. Any outlay you may will be quickly offset against the savings on skipping and waste transport you were paying before, and balers can even become a source of extra revenue themselves as recycling companies will often pay for uncontaminated recyclables such as baled plastics and paper. When taken as a whole, if you choose to install a baler and sell that waste on, you will achieve a saving of around $100 on each tonne of waste compared to sending that same waste to landfill.

What Is the Benefit To Your Reputation?

Of course the benefits of running a greener business aren’t just limited to one form of profit boost – the value of your reputation also needs to be considered. Businesses which are known to be environmentally conscious tend to be perceived far better in the eyes of customers or clients, suppliers and financiers. Many customers actively choose to support companies with eco credentials these days, while in the business-to-business arena many clients have it written into their guidelines to trade with companies who have solid environmental processes, and this is especially true of government agencies, higher education institutions and similar organisations. Acting responsibly when it comes to waste disposal can win you contracts and enhance your reputation as a leader in your field – and although the value of that is harder to quantify, it can definitely have the power to add more profits.