It’s rare nowadays for an employee to remain in the same position for the length of their career: it’s far more common that, after they have reached a certain point, an employee will want to move on. And if that employee is vital to your business then it could lead to serious problems in the future, which is why it’s so important you keep an eye on your key employees and catch these 5 warning signs early.
1. If they have unused skills
Employees will have a diverse portfolio of abilities and attitudes, many with skills that are under-utilised as a result of the position. Ideally, you will want to ensure that every skill an employee has can be used to its full effect but there is every chance that they will have some. If they are in a position where they feel they aren’t able to use their full suite of abilities then it may be worth considering whether they need a new position within your company and to look at where they could be best utilised.
2. If they feel their progression has stagnated
A problem that faces many employees when they become key members of your staff is that they can become indispensable – this means that promotion or progression through the company can be rendered impossible as they are seen as integral in their current position. This can be for a number of reasons, be it a hoarding of skills or because their immediate superior seeks to keep them where they are to make their own work more efficient, recognising when a particularly talented member is stuck in one position is a vital consideration for getting the best results.
3. If they have a lack of faith in their manager
Leading on naturally from stagnant progression, if an employee feels they are stuck where they are due to poor management, it could lead to losing a valuable member of staff. According to a survey of 500 UK employees, conducted by, about 60% of employees across multiple sectors in the UK believe that they’d be a better manager than their direct superior. If an employee doesn’t believe their direct superior is a better manager then it’s extremely likely that they will begin looking elsewhere for work. Being aware of these issues ahead of time can avoid costing you valuable members of staff.
4. If they’ve lost their enthusiasm
Keeping your employees engaged and passionate about their work is essential if you want to retain skilled staff members, if their current position is one that bores them then there’s every chance that they will consider moving to newer pastures. Importantly, this may not be clear from a surface view as their work may still be of a high quality. Being aware of your employee’s emotional and mental well-being is vital to avoid losing key-staff purely down to a desire for new work.
5. If they are seeking a greater challenge
An employee may be seeking a new challenge, something that they consider more difficult and with a greater sense of accomplishment. If their current position feels too easy and they are some way off a promotion, it is likely that they will seek that challenge elsewhere. Being aware of motivated employees who need to have a role that really tests them will help you keep staff members who are driven and eager to succeed.
The majority of these problems can be solved by promoting an employee who is looking to progress – do you think there are other warning signs? Let us know in the comments below
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