Do you own or operate a small business? If this is the case, you need to be aware of many different federal and state laws that pertain to your business. Otherwise, you could be subjected to fines if you fail to comply with these laws. Ignorance is not a valid excuse for non-compliance. Simply saying you were not aware of a law will not prevent you from being fined. Therefore, you need to make yourself aware of the various laws that you need to comply with. One of the most basic laws involves displaying information that is important for your employees to be aware of. This info can be displayed on posters which can be ordered for a minimal amount of money. Here are a few examples of posters related to HR issues that you should display in your workplace.
- Posters that display updates concerning minimum wage laws in your state.
It is imperative that all of your employees are always aware of what currently constitutes minimum wage in the state they are working in. There are posters you can order that will have all of the relevant info on this topic. However, you must make sure that the posters are updated whenever minimum wage is raised in your state or the laws concerning it are changed in some way. You will be able to find a wide variety of HR posters for sale online.
- Sexual harassment in the workplace is another topic that can be addressed on posters.
Sexual harassment is a topic that has been in the news quite a bit during the past six months. Companies are dealing with this particular issue more aggressively than they ever have in the past. You need to keep your employees informed about what constitutes sexual harassment. HR compliance posters will give your employees all of the current guidelines and laws as they pertain to sexual harassment in the workplace. This will help reduce the chances that you will have any instances of sexual harassment occur with any of your employees.
- Child labor laws need to be displayed on posters in businesses that employ minors.
Does your business have any employees who are minors? If so, the current child labor laws in your state are very important for you to be aware of. You are also required to have a poster displayed in your workplace that clearly describes all child labor laws that are currently in place in the state where your business is located. You need to make sure all of these posters are displayed in areas like your break room. This will ensure it is easy for your employees to see.
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