If you want your business to succeed in today’s world, you have to pay attention to online marketing and law firms are not an exemption. Long gone are the times when merely having a website was more than enough to make it online.
In order to establish a better online presence and appear on the screens of people seeking legal advice, you will have to diversify your marketing strategy and make sure that you are using these five effective online marketing techniques for law firms.
1. Redesign Your Website
When was the last time you revisited your website design? If it’s been more than a year, then you should definitely pay it a visit. A lot has changed in the field of web design and user experience. Besides being very informative, your website has to be as simple as possible to navigate.
There is also one more important thing to check. Is your website mobile ready? Most Internet users access the Web via their smartphones and tablets, so you have to make sure that your website is mobile ready if you don’t want to risk high bounce rates.
2. Search Engine Optimization
Law firm marketing and SEO go hand in hand. Why? Because people like to look for legal help, advice and all sorts of information about law online. When they do so, they use specific inquiries. Those inquiries are the bread and butter of your online success – the keywords.
SEO has a lot more to offer beside helping you choose keywords to focus on when writing content for your website. SEO experts will optimize your website architecture to make it easier for search engines to crawl through, fix your image alt texts and use snippets and schema markup. All these actions will enhance your online visibility and put you ahead of your competition.
3. Leverage the Power of PPC Advertising
Pay-per-click advertising extends really well onto the well-laid foundations of an SEO campaign. The thing to know here is that PPC advertising provides quick results when compared to an SEO campaign.
Although more money needs to be pumped into it than SEO, PPC advertising can help you reach your target audience and successfully convey your message much quicker. If you are small law firm, tread carefully.
A PPC campaign may result in a significant influx of new clients. This is why you have to make sure that you have the assets and time available to answer their requests in time, otherwise your PPC campaign may backfire on you and lead to a negative reputation.
4. Write Valuable Content
Here we come to the king of online marketing – the content. As a lawyer, you might be unfamiliar with the power that content bears. Remember all those times when simple in person clarifications on legal matters helped your clients understand the repercussions and make the right informed decision? The good thing is that you can now write it down and share your practical knowledge with a much wider audience.
Make sure to cover all the important topics in your niche. For instance, which documents are needed to pursue specific legal rights, what to do if you get injured, or if you need to get a divorce, and so on. The more information you provide to your target audience, the more they will respect and trust you. Make sure to post regularly and to use the keywords we have already mentioned.
5. Extend Your Reach via Social Media
Social media marketing is not reserved just for the travel and beauty industries – your colleagues are already leveraging the popularity of social media platforms to get their word out there. If you are in the B2B waters, you should consider using LinkedIn to build your network and share the content you’ve posted on your blog.
On the other hand, if you want to offer your services to people in general you should consider Facebook, Instagram and YouTube as the preferred social media platforms. The great thing about social media is that you can promote your profile and boost your posts even on a limited budget, and you can interact directly with your prospects via the comments section and instant messaging.
Online marketing has a lot to offer to law firms. With just a little bit of investment, you can establish better online presence, stand out from the competition and attract more visitors to your website.
This is the only way to get prepared for the future, where the majority of your clients are going to come from younger generations that have grown up using the Internet and spending the majority of their time Googling things on their phones.
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