Is your marketing department making the most out of direct mail to generate outbound leads? Digital marketing seems to have taken the spotlight from traditional forms of outbound lead generation, but traditional outbound lead strategies work, often more effectively than digital marketing. Lead generation companies are at the forefront of reinventing outbound lead strategies, from telesales to direct mail. The main difference between outbound B2B lead generation today and the past is more access to data. A successful lead generation company does its research, finds your target audience, and discovers what that audiences responds to. Insightful, researched campaigns have higher response rates, but what are today’s lead generation companies doing with direct mail that works so effectively?
- They Speak To Your Audience
Direct mail is your first offense and it has to stand out to be successful. Research your target audience and generate direct mail material that speaks directly to them. One successful campaign conducted by 360 Leads, a lead generation company, was for a firm selling construction materials. It involved mailing T-shirts screen printed with hand-drawn reproductions of buildings the targeted firms had designed. Originally intended as an outbound lead generation strategy, it quickly turned into an inbound campaign, with architectural firms calling the company keen to get more T-shirts – and giving the company a chance to deliver their value proposition and sell more.
- They Play To Your Strengths
Another successful campaign conducted by 360 Leads involved a performance metrics software firm. They used a straightforward postcard direct mail campaign that capitalized on the power of data, with factoids about performance in their targets’ sector and how the software could improve data collection and productivity. Where digital marketing focuses on value-added content and gated content to generate inbound leads, direct mail is your teaser. If you want more ideas for running direct mail campaigns that work, stop by 360 Leads to learn more and sell more.
- They Use Telemarketing Too
In a study called the Black Report, the overall consensus on direct mail by companies was that it was one of the least effective channels for lead generation, alongside advertising and social media. That’s because too few companies know how to use direct mail to “prime the lead,” seizing their attention with bold, informative material. Direct mail introduces you to your target, so that when you call, they listen. A smart direct mail campaign can receive response rates in the double digits.
Any company that wants to meet its lead generation targets and get new customers needs to utilize insightful direct mail to drive demand. A lead generation company researches your targets, develops creative content, and puts in the leg work. They also understand the power of data and they are constantly analyzing your ROI so that you can focus on channels that meet your targets. Lead generation experts speak your sales team’s language; let them help your campaign.
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