Mac vs. PC – Which Platform Should Your Small Business Choose

Mac or PC? This age-old question is something entrepreneurs consider carefully, as the choice of one over the other can influence the success of their business. After thorough deliberation, the odds weigh in Apple’s favor, as more business professionals are choosing Mac over its Windows alternative.

In March of this year, JAMF released its Annual JAMF Trends Survey, which asked 300 IT professionals about the platforms their places of work support. The results showed Apple scored higher than Windows, with 91% of responders reporting their teams support Mac and 99% support iPhones. The study cited Apple’s user-friendly interface and customer service as the reason why the majority of those surveyed say it’s easier to support Macs.

How did this happen? If you recall the Mac vs PC commercials of the early noughties, Mac admits PC is better at spreadsheets and other business applications.

A lot has changed in the last decade. Let’s delve into the reasons why Mac often beats out the PC when it comes to business.


On paper, the initial cost of a Mac is expensive, especially when compared to the PCs listed for $300. Despite the lack of budget-friendly options, Macs often boast longer lifespans and fewer maintenance issues than their cheaper PC counterparts, letting its users sidestep costly repairs.

Even under the added strain of daily office use, Macs typically last longer than the average PC. The only barrier to this cost-effect life cycle is the temptation to upgrade as Apple produces a new iteration before the old one breaks down completely.

Apple may want you to upgrade the latest and greatest, but you don’t have to, and if you can manage to ignore new generations, the cost savings are considerable. IBM is on its way to deploying 100,000 Macs this year, and it reports saving anywhere between $265–$535 per Mac thanks to its improved lifespan and support. As a result, nearly three-quarters of IBM employees are planning to make the switch from PC to Mac soon.

A simple trick in ignoring the latest Mac is the application of a customized MacBook skin. The best MacBook skins camouflage the look of an old computer with a novel color or texture, so you aren’t tempted to upgrade when you don’t need to.

User Experience: Selection and Support Services

As the sole manufacturer of Macs, Apple has kept a tight control over quality. They offer a short list of elite computers that vary in processing powers and price points. By comparison, the PC is an oversaturated market full of as many duds as there are true powerhouses. Since there are so many different manufacturers competing for the PC market share, you can expect a glut of choices with varying levels of quality.

You know what you get with an Apple product, but without extensive research comparing your option of PC, you won’t be as certain. Its reliability as a brand is perhaps part of the reason why Apple, despite making up less than 7% of the market share, is the fifth best selling vendor in the world.

In the of age cloud services, the fact that one runs iOS and the other Windows doesn’t make or break the argument anymore. What really matters is how well one can connect to these cloud-based services.

There’s little confusion with the Mac’s user interface, and its straight forward processes results in happier employees and increased productivity. As IBM deploys its 100,000 Macs, it reports fewer Mac users submitting a support ticket than PC users.


Physical and cybersecurity cannot be ignored in this day and age, and every enterprise has a responsibility to protect its employees and corporate data from prying eyes. Whether using Mac or PC, companies must invest in the necessary anti-viruses, anti-malware, and internal security policies.

That being said, it’s generally accepted a PC will need these defences more than a Mac. While some will argue this is because Macs are inherently better protected than their PC counterpart, it’s a simple matter of market share. Since PCs still make up the majority of personal and business computers, cyber criminals target more Windows than the statistically less popular iOS X.

The Bottom Line

Mac or PC is a question that inspires a lot of passion from people, so you’ll hear it all when you ask it before outfitting your small business with tech. Try to steer away from emotional diatribes and stick to the facts. Since no one-size-fits solution exists, the platform that fits your small business may just be a PC. But in all likelihood, you’ll end up choosing Mac.