Uncovering the creative side of SEO

‘Out of the box thinking’ and ‘blue sky thought’ are buzz phrases that send shudders down the spines of many in the marketing industry. However there is method behind the semantic madness because creative content really is king when it comes to search engine optimisation. SEO isn’t all about statistics, averages and complicated graphs – it’s about tapping into your imagination and delivering marketing campaigns that are going to turn heads for all the right reasons.

The SEO Uncovered eBook from Click Consult not only explores the strategic methods surrounding your optimisation approach and the technical on-page tactics, it also delves into the creative side of content marketing.  Beth Rycroft, Head of Campaigns and Social at Click Consult, said:

“While technical SEO is as vital for success in search as a skeletal system is to a person, it matters little without the creative adding flesh to the dry bones.”

So how do you use creativity to climb those all-important search ranks?

Generate the right kind of reactions

Some might tell you that any press is good press but when it comes down to long-term results and a strong SEO strategy, you need be creating the right type of buzz. Sure, your content needs to provoke a reaction but make sure it sits in line with your brand’s mantras, tone of voice and recognised approach. Not only does your content need to adhere to Google’s stringent regulations, it also needs to sit well with both your established audience and your target demographic.

Do your audience research

Before you can make sure the nature of your content is in check, you need to pinpoint your target audience; you need to know who you’re trying to communicate to like the back of your hand. Identifying your target demographic is one of the first and most crucial stages of a successful content marketing workflow so it’s paramount that you don’t skip this step.

This preliminary research forms part of your discovery phase, which can then be used to better inform and influence your ideation process. Take time to analyse the existing sentiment around your brand and use your new ideas to supplement and build on this. Basically, feed your customers the content they’re craving.

Make your content shareable

Whether it’s written content, video content or whatever your campaign calls for, you need to make sure that your unique marketing collateral is of excellent quality. It also needs to be something that people are going to want to engage with and potentially share with their own audiences further down the line. The more times your content is shared, the more lead generations you can accumulate and hopefully, more conversions.