Trying to bring in new customers can be a really difficult task that requires you to expand your marketing budget. But, what if it were able to engage existing loyal customers to bring in the new ones? This is the premise behind work-of-mouth marketing. If done right it can help you expand your customer base and increase sales, without spending a fortune on marketing. Several companies have employed this technique successfully. Even small business owners can deploy this marketing skill to grow their business. Continue reading to find out how:
Get Customers to Leave Reviews
The best way you can use your loyal customers to bring in new ones is by asking that they leave customer reviews. Consumers always look at reviews when buying products or choosing services. They want to know that they’re spending their money on something of value, and something they can trust. So, get your loyal customers to leave reviews and tell people how great your business is. A great way to do this is by leaving Google Reviews. This means that when your business appears on Google, it will have a star rating out of five. Get those five stars, and you’re more likely to see new customers come flooding in as they think your business must be great. Encourage customers to leave reviews at every opportunity. Have a section at the bottom of your site where they can leave reviews. Or, whenever they pay for something online, on the transaction confirmation page you could have a call to action that gets them to leave a review.
Sell Gift Cards
Believe it or not but gift cards can be a great way of gaining new customers by using your loyal ones. Your business can get a custom gift card design printed, and then sell them to people with money loaded on them. They then buy these cards and can only use the money to pay for your products, simple! So, how do loyal and new customers come into play? Well, more often than not it’ll be the loyal customers that buy your gift cards as they buy your products regularly. Then, they’ll gift them to someone who might not have bought from you before. It’s almost like they’ve recommended you to them, but gone one further by handing them a card that they can use to buy whatever they want.
Use Social Media Recommendations
Social media has given consumers a much louder voice nowadays. If someone likes a business, they’ll tweet about it or post a status on Facebook, etc. As a business, you should take advantage of these social media recommendations. Always check your mentions on Twitter and search for your company name to see if people have tweeted about you. If you spot tweets saying how great your business is, then retweet them so more people can see these tweets. The same applies to Facebook, search for your company name and share posts that are positive. So, if people stumble on your social accounts, they’ll see all these recommendations and be more inclined to become new customers.
The best thing about using your loyal customers like this is that you get free promotion. They promote your business without you needing to spend a penny. It’s highly effective and very easy on your budget.