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In this age if you are not marketing your business on the internet you will likely not survive for too long. When majority of the people turn to internet when searching for a place to eat, an accountant, or even a house purchase your business will never get the attention of prospective buyers if you are not marketing on the internet. When is the last time did you open the Yellow Pages to find something?
While internet marketing is essential for any business many people have false idea about what internet marketing is about and how do it. They hold myths that may have been acquired over the years. Knowing these myths and finding ways to escape them will not only help you avoid unnecessary expenses, but also grow your business the right way. Here are the 5 most popular myths you need to be careful about.
- Word of mouth is sufficient to get the referrals
Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool to get new clients. After all, when people recommend a business to their family and friends they will place greater faith in it. However, just relying on word of mouth will limit your potential to grow the business. There are number other internet marketing avenues you need to be aware of and explore to get more referrals and grow your business. Don’t get me wrong. You should still rely on word of mouth to get referrals, but it will help you if you can help your customers spread the word about your business via what I call active word of mouth. This is where you stay in touch with your customers regularly, ask them about their feedback and provide incentives to them to get the word out about your business. When you combine active word of mouth with other internet marketing avenues you can grow your business significantly.
- Internet marking is very expensive
Any type of marketing can get expensive if not done right. The real question you need to ask is not how much money you need to spend, but what return you can get from that spend. If you are not getting any return from the internet marketing spend even a dollar spent is a waste. On the other hand, if you are getting $1,000 in return for $100 spend that is money well spent. So focus on the right type of internet marketing and not worry about how much you have to spend.
- I don’t need to spend money to make money
This is tied to the previous myth. People who think internet marketing is very expensive also think that they can make money without having to spend much on marketing. While you can build a decent business without spending much, to really take the business to the next level you have to spend money on marketing to ensure more people know about it.
- A website is all I need for internet marketing
Having a website is a necessary condition to get your business on the internet, but it is not sufficient. People who do not market their website are relying on “build it and they will come” theory. It does not work that way in real life. You have to explore all the options to market your business after you have set up a website. Otherwise it will just sit there without anyone looking at it. What waste that would be!
- Specializing in one area will limit my scope
Specialization is a must for every business owner these days. There is no way you can be everything to everyone. You have to narrow your focus to grow. Otherwise you will spread yourself too thin and become a jack of all, but master of none. This is especially true for those in highly competitive business such as real estate broker. Instead of advertising a website for any real estate property when you build it for a specific location such as Ray Werger’s Maple Ridge-based real estate website or Port Coquitlam real estate website it can attract the right people and help you close the deal faster.
I hope this article will help you pay more attention to these myths when you come across them. It is only by careful observation and avoidance will you be able to grow your business to the next level.