Half of adults have left a job to get away from their manager at some point in their career, according to a Gallup survey. And since 2000, when Gallup first began measuring employee engagement, less than one-third of Americans are engaged in their jobs in any given year.
This problem can have a significant negative effect on productivity, customer service levels and retention, OfficeTeam says. The staffing company found that more than one in four professionals said their company is not effective in keeping workers motivated. Sixty-one percent said they would likely leave their current position if they did not feel engaged.
Gallup estimates that the 18 percent of employees who are actively disengaged cost the United States $450 billion to $550 billion in lost productivity per year. Yet, high employee engagement increases profitability 16 percent, productivity 18 percent, customer loyalty 12 percent and quality 60 percent, Gallup found in a meta-analysis of 199 studies.
Read more to discover 7 Ways Business Leaders Can Create Employee Engagement.